History of Christ Church Brondesbury

The beautiful space in which we now worship was once part of a much bigger church as you can see from the outside. Now Christ Church is a jewel: a place of spiritual peace.

Christ Church was built in 1865 and consecrated before 100 people in 1866. It is a grade 2 listed building.

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, Christ Church overflowed with parishioners… its 800 seats all taken, and the aisle packed to bursting with people who preferred to stand rather than miss any part of each lovely service. From outside, its style, position and glorious spire created a natural focus for all believers.

In the Second World War, the building suffered bomb damage but was repaired and re-opened in 1948.

In 1985 – because of financial pressures – it was decided to convert the main part of the church into residential accommodation and sell it off as flats. Christ Church and its congregation would thrive and grow into their own designated ‘Flat 22’.

Dedication of the new, beautiful place of worship you now see took place in 1990 and is a testament to the passionate commitment and hard work of its members over the years.

Christ Church is proud to run its own St. Laurence’s Larder which offers food and a welcoming space to those in our neighbourhood who are hungry. We also own our lovely Church Hall which we have used for many social and religious functions over the years. The hall also now hosts a full-time nursery (Jelli Tots) and Adele’s Ballet School.

Now and in the future

We, at Christ Church, thank God for our beautiful building and for the Holy Spirit within it.

We, at Christ Church, continue to welcome, celebrate and comfort all who cross this threshold.

We, at Christ Church, look to the future with hope and in the certainty of God’s love.

“Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the World.”

Matthew 28:20