
We were unable to provide opening hours. Please contact the Church for more information

Wilma Byas, Church Warden

Getting here

Christ Church is a family friendly, multi-cultural parish church. Established in 1866 we aim to serve the community of Brondesbury Park by providing a welcoming, warm and open environment in which we share the journey of faith. We are always changing always trying to find new ways to meet the needs of those who come to us.
We aim to provide a safe place for prayer and worship with our life of faith centered on the Eucharist.
We have a Church School, Christ Church (Brondesbury) CE Primary, that shares in our aim to serve our community. A school with a Christian ethos, we welcome all those who of any or no faith share our aims at providing a good quality education for all and accept this is done with the Christian ethos as its foundation.


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