Sunday Spaces

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
St James Alperton
Alperton, HA0 4JB, United Kingdom

Join us at 12:00 midday each Sunday for our "Spaces". These are short activity groups lasting about 45 minutes. These are different each week. Some of the regular activities on offer are:-

- Knitting
- Farci Prayer
- Card making
-Lectio Divinia/Bible Prayer
- Gardening
- English Worship
- Prayer walks
- Guitar practice

PS. See our notice sheets for details of what is going on each week!

Wednesday English Holy Communion

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St James Alperton
Alperton, HA0 4JB, United Kingdom

A group of people meet on Wednesday at 10.30am for a simple service of Holy Communion.

This is in English and includes hymns and a short sermon. Once a month the service follows the book of common prayer.

Light refreshments are served at the end. Everyone is welcome!

Sunday Breakfast and Chat

Every Sunday at for 30 mins
St James Alperton
Alperton, HA0 4JB, United Kingdom

Join us at 10am on a Sunday for an informal light breakfast and chat. Breakfast is usually pastries, fresh fruit and hot beverages.

All welcome, even if you don't wish to stay for the service.

Intercultural Sunday Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St James Alperton
Alperton, HA0 4JB, United Kingdom

We meet each Sunday at 10:30 for an intercultural Holy Communion service. The communion bread is gluten free.

Arrive at 10am for pastries/fruit and tea/coffee and a pre-service chat.

Arrive at 11.45 for small activity groups. These groups vary from week to week and include knitting, guitar practice, Farsi prayer, prayer walks, Tamil and English worship.