St James Alperton starts the New Year with Bishop Lusa.


Because St James Alperton is in a gap between vicars, we have been privileged to welcome a series of ordained ministers to our services. This has made it possible for our members to receive communion. However each one has given us far more than 15 minutes giving out communion and have blessed us in many other ways. 

Last Sunday it was Bishop Lusa's turn to visit and what a joy this was! He spoke to us about  Matthew 2 verses 1-12. "The Magi Visit the Messiah", challenging our preconcepts by pointing out that the gender of the Magi's is not specified in the bible. He also highlighted how the kindness and generosity of people had influenced him in his early years, reminding us that our kindness can have long term affects. We were truly honoured to have him in our midst. 

Thank you Bishop Lusa.