St James says Thankyou and Goodbye to Revs Ali and Steve Taylor


Revs Ali and Steve have devoted the last 13 years loving and serving the people of Alperton, They came to St James with their young children and leave with two teenagers. The church has been blessed beyond measure to have them. The family will leave a big gap, both practically and in people's hearts. The practical gaps can be filled, the gaps in people's hearts will take longer. They are moving on to new adventures in South Harrow. Last weekend was a time of celebration, along with some sadness and tears. 

The church threw a party on the 20th July to say goodbye. This included things St James is known for, such as good multicultural food, along with the ceremonial cutting of the farewell cake which was lovingly baked and decorated by the Wednesday communion service attendees. 

This was followed on the 21st July by Rev Ali and Steve's final service which was attended by a wide variety of people, such as Barry Gardiner, MP for Brent North, members of the Brent Multi-Faith Forum and a wide range of well wishers. 

Rev Ali said "The onion gremlins are out in force this weekend" Onion gremlins are invisible creatures who stick raw onion in the faces of people and make them cry.