All Saints' Highgate

For over 160 years, the ‘Little Church in the Woods’ has stood proudly on the corner of Church Road and Talbot Road serving the north side of Highgate. Since its origin as a small mission church built by St Michael’s, Highgate, All Saints’ has sought to support the people in the local area as the community grew up around it.

Although the parish has changed over the years, our commitment to be an open place of worship, prayer, hospitality and care has not changed. The door is open and you are welcome, care to join us?

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Get in touch

The Revd Timothy Miller

All Saints Church
Talbot Road
N6 4QH

N6 4QH
Anja Barnes (Hall Manager)

Our website

What's on

Sundays - Parish Eucharist - 10.00am

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints' Highgate
Talbot Road Highgate, N6 4QH, United Kingdom

Every Sunday we meet for a time of prayer, worship, and fellowship as we gather to receive grace through Word and Sacrament. All are welcome and we look forward to meeting you :)


We, the parish church of All Saints', Highgate, believe that the care and protection of children, young people, and vulnerable adults who are involved in church activities is the responsibility of the whole Church community. Everyone who participates in the life of the Church has a role to play in promoting a safer church for all. Our commitment to creating a safe environment flows from the fact that we are all made in the image of God and the Church’s common belief in the dignity and uniqueness of every human being. We expect all our staff, volunteers and those who use our premises to share this commitment and value the support of those who worship here in achieving this.

We seek to achieve this by abiding by the principles set out in the House of Bishops Policy: "Promoting a Safer Church" and we look to follow the guidance contained in the "Parish Safeguarding Handbook".

If you have any concerns please contact either Austen Worth (our Safeguarding Officer) or the Revd Timothy Miller. For more information and contact details visit our website..

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