These are Lent & Easter events this year.

Mothering Sunday

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Michael and All Angels
Gordon Hill (Junction with Chase Side) Enfield London, EN2 0QP, United Kingdom

Come and join us for this ever popular festival as we give thanks for our Mothers and the gift of motherhood, in an All-age Eucharist. Our Uniformed Organisations will be 'on parade', adding their weight to this joyous occasion. Towards the end of the service, all the children present will receive a small gift of flowers to give to their mothers in recognition of their valuable part in God's creation.

Palm Sunday

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Michael and All Angels
Gordon Hill (Junction with Chase Side) Enfield London, EN2 0QP, United Kingdom

Our Eucharist this morning begins in the Parish Hall with the distribution, blessing and procession of palms, as we recreate Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. As the Adults process outside and into the church to listen to a dramatised version of the Passion Gospel, the children have their own Palm processions to their respective Sunday Clubs. We meet together again around the altar to share in the moment of Communion as the service pivots into Holy Week and the journey to the Cross.

Tuesday in Holy Week

for 45 mins
St Michael and All Angels
Gordon Hill (Junction with Chase Side) Enfield London, EN2 0QP, United Kingdom

Join us in a walk from the Garden of Gethsemane to the Cross and the Tomb, through a service known as 'Stations of the Cross'. We stop at 14 points on our 'journey' for reflection and prayer recalling significant events of those 24 hours.

Wednesday in Holy Week

for 30 mins
St Michael and All Angels
Gordon Hill (Junction with Chase Side) Enfield London, EN2 0QP, United Kingdom

Our usual midweek Eucharist celebrated according to the Book of Common Prayer, with a particular emphasis on the solemnity of the week, and with a short address.

Maundy Thursday

for 2 hours
St Michael and All Angels
Gordon Hill (Junction with Chase Side) Enfield London, EN2 0QP, United Kingdom

This solemn Eucharist recreates Jesus last supper with his disciples. There is a representative foot-washing, the breaking of bread and the stripping of the priestly robes and the altars, leading to the Watch of the Passion - an hour of readings and psalms, remembering Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, before his betrayal and arrest.

Good Friday

for 1 hour
St Michael and All Angels
Gordon Hill (Junction with Chase Side) Enfield London, EN2 0QP, United Kingdom

In this very simple service of readings, reflections, music, hymns and prayers, we spend an hour at the Cross on this most holy of days, standing alongside Jesus in his agony and death.

Easter Day

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Michael and All Angels
Gordon Hill (Junction with Chase Side) Enfield London, EN2 0QP, United Kingdom

Come and join our joy and thanksgiving in an All-age Eucharist on the greatest of feasts - the celebration of the Resurrection and our salvation for all time - the promise of eternal life. We look forward to a really happy morning as we worship together, and with the added delight of an egg for each of the children present. We also say goodbye to our Vicar, Father Stephen, as he enters retirement at the close of the service.