Parish Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Michael and All Angels
Gordon Hill (Junction with Chase Side) Enfield London, EN2 0QP, United Kingdom

Our main Worship of the week. A full, modern language sung Eucharist, with hymns and sermon. An active Junior Church (called 'Sunday Clubs' and which are age-appropriate) goes out from the service after the Collect into the halls for their own teaching and activities - rejoining the adults at the moment of Communion. On festivals this service takes the form of an all-age Eucharist, when often our Brownie and Guide Units parade. After the service we meet in the hall for coffee, tea, juice and biscuits and a time of fellowship and catching up with each other.

Evening Service

Every Sunday at for 30 mins
St Michael and All Angels
Gordon Hill (Junction with Chase Side) Enfield London, EN2 0QP, United Kingdom

This service is an oasis of peace and calm at the end of the day. It takes a number of different forms but most regularly using the ancient and beautiful words of the Book of Common Prayer, geared to the season and to the moment.


Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Michael and All Angels
Gordon Hill (Junction with Chase Side) Enfield London, EN2 0QP, United Kingdom

Eucharist (BCP) & Coffee
A short said Eucharist following the Book of Common Prayer, without hymns or sermon (except on very special occasions) - after which the congregation usually adjourns to the local coffee shop for a time of fellowship and chat

Garden Service and Picnic

for 1 hour
St Michael and All Angels
Gordon Hill (Junction with Chase Side) Enfield London, EN2 0QP, United Kingdom

Our annual Garden Service is pure delight. All-age Informal Worship in our grounds with well known 'summer' hymns, all followed by our Parish Picnic.
Bring your blankets, sun cream, shades......and have a fantastic time! You might even beat the Vicar's tan....

Harvest and Patronal Festival

for 1 hour, 20 mins
St Michael and All Angels
Gordon Hill (Junction with Chase Side) Enfield London, EN2 0QP, United Kingdom

Come and join us for everyone's favourite festival - Harvest Thanksgiving. Our all-age Festal Eucharist at which our Uniformed organisations will parade, will be a fitting celebration of thanks for all that God gives us in creation and for our daily needs, and a chance to think of those less fortunate than ourselves. We will offer harvest gifts ourselves which will be donated to North Enfield Food Bank as usual, and break the Harvest Loaf as a sign of our collective thanksgiving for the bread of life - Jesus himself. Being close to Michaelmas, we also celebrate our Patronal Festival - a double celebration of thanks in what is sure to be a memorable day!!