Morning and Evening Prayer

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday at for 15 mins
St Luke
Browning Road, Enfield Enfield London, EN2 0HG, United Kingdom
St John
Strayfield Road, Clay Hill Clay Hill Enfield, EN2 9JH, United Kingdom

Weekdays - St Luke’s Lady Chapel
Those who are sick or grieving, our parish, community, and our broken world are prayed for at least twice a day , every single day
Why not come and pray with us - if you can

at 8am on Tuesdays Wednesday and Thursdays
at 5.30pm on Wednesdays

We also say Morning Prayer
Sundays before our Parish Eucharist
9:15am on
the Third, Fourth and Fifth Sundays

If you are unable to join us in person

why not listen to Morning and Evening Prayer on the FREE Daily Prayer App
or the Church of England's Website?

Some of the psalms are sung by St Martin's Voices

Sunday Holy Communion @ St Luke's

Every First, Third, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Luke
Browning Road, Enfield Enfield London, EN2 0HG, United Kingdom

This is our main weekly service at St Luke's each week. We gather on Sunday mornings to worship God, pray for the world, listen to the scriptures, hear relevant and inspiring teaching, and finally share the meal of Holy Communion, in which we receive bread and wine which become for us the body and blood of Jesus. All are welcome!

Midweek Eucharist at St Luke's

Every First, Third Wednesday at for 30 mins
St Luke
Browning Road, Enfield Enfield London, EN2 0HG, United Kingdom

Join us at 9:15am at St Luke's Church on the First and Third Wednesdays of the Month for our midweek Eucharist, Holy Communion, Mass

Sunday Holy Communion @ St John's

Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St John
St John, Strayfield Road, Clay Hill Clay Hill Enfield, EN2 9JH, United Kingdom

This is our main weekly service at St John's each week. We gather on Sunday mornings to worship God, pray for the world, listen to the scriptures, hear relevant and inspiring teaching, and finally share the meal of Holy Communion, in which we receive bread and wine which become for us the body and blood of Jesus. All are welcome!

BCP (Traditional Language) Holy Communion at St John's

Every Second, Fourth Wednesday at for 30 mins
St John
Strayfield Road, Clay Hill Clay Hill Enfield, EN2 9JH, United Kingdom

Join us for our Eucharist, Holy Communion, Mass at St John's Church on the Second and Fourth Wednesdays of the month
9:15 for about 30 minutes
Join us for a cup of tea and a slice of cake afterwards.

Choral Evensong

for 1 hour
St Luke
Browning Road, Enfield Enfield London, EN2 0HG, United Kingdom

Choral Evensong returns to Clay Hill
Join us at St Luke's for this beautiful service

Bubble Church - 9:00am every first Sunday of the month at St Luke's

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
St Luke
Browning Road, Enfield Enfield London, EN2 0HG, United Kingdom

Bubble Church is a Sunday church service especially for babies, toddlers, and young families. It's a puppet-packed, Jesus-centred, coffee-and-food-fueled, 30 minute kids and families adventure
Come from 8:45 to enjoy a Croissant and Coffee!

Family Eucharist with Scouts Parading at St Luke's - First Sunday of Every Month

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
St Luke
Browning Road, Enfield Enfield London, EN2 0HG, United Kingdom

Join us on the First Sunday of the month when, during term time, our Scouts (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers) join us for our 10:00am service
Short homily, and refreshments afterwards - join us for a game of air hockey after the service

Children's Church / Junior Church

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 30 mins
St John
Strayfield Road, Clay Hill Clay Hill Enfield, EN2 9JH, United Kingdom

30 minutes of a bible story, music with instruments and an activity
Every Second Sunday of the month at St John's, Strayfield Road
All Welcome

Palm Sunday Procession from St Luke's to St John's

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Luke
Browning Road, Enfield Enfield London, EN2 0HG, United Kingdom
St John
Strayfield Road, Clay Hill Clay Hill Enfield, EN2 9JH, United Kingdom

Our Service will take place at St John's Church as near to 10:00m as we can but please do join us for a joyful procession with our four legged friends through beautiful Hilly Fields
We will leave St. Luke's at 9:30am

Maundy Thursday service with Foot-washing

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Luke
Browning Road, Enfield Enfield London, EN2 0HG, United Kingdom

On Maundy Thursday we remember Jesus sharing his Last Supper with his disciples, instituting the celebration of the Eucharist. Following his teaching we celebrate the Eucharist in remembrance of him.

At this supper, Jesus gave his greatest commandment that we should love one another as he has loved us;
and so during this service feet of the congregation are washed by the clergy as an example of Christian humility and service.

Following the service there is a silent watch or vigil.

Stations of the Cross for Children

for 45 mins
St Luke
Browning Road, Enfield Enfield London, EN2 0HG, United Kingdom

Good Friday at 11am at St Luke's Church
Fr Jeremy will lead our young people and their families on a walk with Jesus to Calvary

Good Friday at Clay Hill

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Luke
Browning Road, Enfield Enfield London, EN2 0HG, United Kingdom

Good Friday is the day we remember the crucifixion and death of Jesus.

It is a sombre day where we meet, pray and reflect on the cost of the great sacrifice of love: Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God and redeemer of the world.


for 1 hour
St John
Strayfield Road, Clay Hill Clay Hill Enfield, EN2 9JH, United Kingdom

Tenebrae (“shadows” or “darkness”) is a Holy Week service that is at least 1,000 years old and a local tradition at St John's Church Clay Hill
Originally held after midnight , Tenebrae would be sung each day of the Triduum in a church lit only by 15 candles.
These were extinguished one by one until the church was left in darkness.
At that point, a loud noise (“strepitus”) would be produced – sometimes by slamming a hymnal or other book shut, sometimes by stomping on the floor – symbolizing the earthquake after Christ’s death.

Like the “lessons and carols” services familiar at Christmas, Tenebrae consists of hymns and readings, and you are very welcome to join us at this and all of our services over Holy Week at St John's and St Luke's Clay Hill. Details of al our services can be found on our website (

Easter Vigil

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Luke
Browning Road, Enfield Enfield London, EN2 0HG, United Kingdom

From earliest times Christians have gathered through the night of Easter to recall the story of God’s saving work, from creation through to the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. However, the Easter Liturgy is not merely a presentation of God’s work.
It is meant to be a real experience of new life for the worshipper, a passing from darkness to light which offers hope to all the faithful. It is therefore important that the preparation is prayerful and thorough.

The Easter Vigil marks the end of the emptiness of Holy Saturday, and leads into the celebration of Christ’s resurrection. The singing of the Exsultet, the ancient hymn of triumph and rejoicing, links this night of our Christian redemption to the Passover night of Israel’s redemption out of Egypt. Christian baptism is a participation in the death and resurrection of Christ, a dying to sin in order to be reborn in him, and the Easter Vigil was from early Christian times a preferred occasion for baptism. It is fittingly a time when those who are already Christians may repeat with renewed commitment the promises of their own baptism, and strengthen their sense of incorporation into the royal and priestly ministry of the whole people of God.

The Easter Gospel is proclaimed with all the joy and splendour that the church can find.

Easter Morning Family Service and blessing of the Easter Garden

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Luke
Browning Road, Enfield Enfield London, EN2 0HG, United Kingdom

Join us at 10:00am for our joyful Easter Celebration