Weekday Mass (times may vary, see the latest news sheet for times this week: stmatthiasnw9.org)

Every Wednesday and Saturday at for 30 mins
St Matthias Colindale
St Matthias Colindale, Rushgrove Ave Colindale, NW9 6QY, United Kingdom

A said celebration of the Eucharist lasting about half an hour

Weekday Mass times are subject to change, please check the weekly news sheet posted under "News and Notices" to confirm the times for the current week.

Weekday Mass (times may vary, see the latest news sheet for times this week: stmatthiasnw9.org)

Every Thursday and Friday at for 30 mins
St Matthias Colindale
Rushgrove Ave Colindale, NW9 6QY, United Kingdom

A said celebration of the Eucharist lasting about half an hour

Weekday Mass times are subject to change, please check the weekly news sheet posted under "News and Notices" to confirm the times for the current week.

Silent Meditation

Every Sunday at for 30 mins
St Matthias Colindale
Rushgrove Ave Colindale, NW9 6QY, United Kingdom

Half an hour of silent prayer and meditation before the Blessed Sacrament - drop in and out at any time. An opportunity for stillness in busy lives, and for preparation before our main worship on Sunday, the 11am Parish Mass.

Parish Mass

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Matthias Colindale
Rushgrove Ave Colindale, NW9 6QY, United Kingdom

Parish Mass (The Eucharist according to Common Worship Order One)

The Parish Mass will usually be live-streamed for those who unable to attend in person, watch on our Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/stmatthiasnw9 (n.b. no live-stream on 21st or 28th August 2022)

Weekday Mass (times may vary, see the latest news sheet for times this week: stmatthiasnw9.org)

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
St Matthias Colindale
Rushgrove Ave Colindale, NW9 6QY, United Kingdom

A said celebration of the Eucharist lasting about half an hour.

Weekday Mass times are subject to change, please check the weekly news sheet posted under "News and Notices" to confirm the times for the current week.