Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Christ Church Hendon
Heriot Road/Brent Street Hendon London, NW4 2EG, United Kingdom

A sung celebration of the Eucharist, using contemporary language, with sermon.

Every Sunday.

Drop-in Café

Every Thursday at for 3 hours
St Mary, Hendon
Church End Hendon London, NW4 4JT, United Kingdom

All are welcome to the new drop-in café on Thursday at St Mary's Church Hendon from 11.00-14.00 – the next Thursday date will be 13th February. We are offering hot food and drinks in a friendly environment for conversation, company and change of scene. Warm food is available from 11.45.

The event is kindly sponsored by the Co-op.

Volunteers are very welcome, please
speak to Jill or Julie if you can help out.


Mothering Sunday

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Mary, Hendon
Church End Hendon London, NW4 4JT, United Kingdom

Please join us for our Mothering Sunday service on 30th March at St Mary's at 9.30am. This is a joint and inclusive service with music by the Youth Choir followed by refreshments.

All very welcome.

Handel's Messiah

for 2 hours, 30 mins
St Mary, Hendon
Church End Hendon London, NW4 4JT, United Kingdom

This is an opportunity to hear Handel's masterpiece "Messiah": a vivid musical retelling of Jesus' life, death and resurrection performed by the Choir of St Mary's with the Junior Choir under the direction of Richard Morrison (Organist and Director of Music).

There will be an interval with refreshments available at the bar. Tickets are available at a discounted rate for students and children. Please note that there is a slightly restricted view in some areas of the church due to the fabric of the building. No reserved seating. Doors open 6.30pm. All welcome!

For tickets see Eventbrite link.