St Barnabas Woodside Park

Welcome to St Barnabas North London

St Bs is a community committed to seeing God make a difference in our own lives and in the world around us. If you’re looking for God St Bs is a great place to be, as we all seek to be life-long learners. 

The parish of St Barnabas Woodside Park is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. Find our safeguarding information at

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Get in touch

Revd Andy Sachs

St Barnabas Church
913 High Road
North Finchley

N12 8QJ

Our website

What's on


Every Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Barnabas Woodside Park
913 High Road North Finchley London, N12 8QJ, United Kingdom

Open to Barnet residents in need on Mondays: 12-2pm
No vouchers required - we work on a basis of trust and dignity

We need your help with getting the word out to people in need; but we also need food donations from you and your
neighbours delivered to St Bs on Fridays:12-3pm
You can also give financially so we can buy food directly.

For more information email [email protected] or call 07872 697623

Follow us on Facebook @StBsFoodbank to stay up to date with all the latest!

The foodbank is open for Donations on Saturdays 10am-12noon

St Barnabas Woodside Park Charity No. 1131412