Low Mass
- Occurring
- Every Friday at for 45 mins
- Venue
- St Mary the Virgin Stanwell
- Address St Mary the Virgin Stanwell, High Street Church Approach Stanwell, TW19 7JS, United Kingdom
The Mass gives us the opportunity to worship and to receive God’s grace, to come into communion with him and with other worshipers through the sacrament of the Eucharist. As a sacrament, it is Jesus himself acting through the Eucharist, which supplies all the graces we derive from it. At Mass we are able to stand mystically at the foot of the cross and witness for ourselves the same self-sacrifice of Jesus. Mass is a celebration of this sacrifice. It is the active participation of all that come together. We do not come to Mass simply to receive something passively or to watch a show; we come as participants embracing the grace Christ pours out for us shed by his own blood on the cross. Different people have different roles at Mass. Some people are Eucharistic ministers. They help distribute the Eucharist to assist the priest when it is necessary in order to maintain the flow of worship. Lectors help proclaim the Word of God and make it come alive for us. Cantors and choir members lead us in song to help us stay in tune. The priest is there to serve us by leading us in prayer acting in the person of Christ, explaining the Scripture (Bible) readings, and consecrating the bread and wine so that they may become the body and blood of Jesus.