
"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

2 Corinthians 9:7

Christ Church, like all Church of England parishes, needs to raise money to pay for the running of the church and its buildings. We rely on the generosity of our congregation and those who use our facilities to do this. There are several ways in which you can give regularly or when you are able to help us.

Parish Giving Scheme - this is our preferred way of giving

The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is a monthly direct-debit system run by the Church of England. It helps us to plan finances as we know what income will be received during the year. It also helps us to obtain Gift Aid from HMRC. This is all at a lower cost than envelope schemes.

If you sign up to the PGS, you will be asked to agree to inflationary giving, which means that your contribution will increase by the rate of inflation each year, but if you are not able to afford the increase you do not need to agree to the change. You may alter the amount you donate at any time.

For further details please contact the churchwardens.


We can supply you with a box of 52 envelopes, to which you can add your weekly offering. The filled envelope can then be dropped into the offertory box each week. Speak to one of the Church Wardens if you would like to give in this way. 

Sunday giving

If you are unable to commit to a regular amount you can give by the machine near the entrance to the church via a debit or credit card (any amount you wish) or by cash via the collection during the service. Cheques can also still be accepted and should be made payable to “Christ Church PCC”.

Online donation

You can make an online donation using the link or the QR code on our website.

An annual gift

If you find it easier to make an annual gift or wish to make a one-off gift in addition to your regular giving, this can be done by simply writing a cheque. If you pay tax, ask us about Gift Aid.

A Legacy

A gift from your estate can be included in your will. This is one way some people chose to make a gift for the future.