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Getting here

We believe in one God, the living, sovereign, holy creator, who made us to know and love him and has revealed himself supremely through his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. The inconvenient truth is that none of us naturally live as if that were true and our desire for autonomy, which the Bible calls sin, leaves us vulnerable to God’s righteous judgment.

However, the great news of Christianity is that God loves us and sent his own Son, Jesus of Nazareth, into the world not only to reveal God perfectly but also to rescue us from ourselves. Fully God and fully man, Jesus lived a perfect life and died in our place on the cross so that our broken relationship with God might be restored. Three days later, God raised Jesus from the dead demonstrating that Jesus is the Lord who rules over this world, calls people to turn from their rebellion, trust in him for forgiveness and follow him as Lord of our lives.

When someone becomes a Christian, God the Holy Spirit, who enables us to turn and trust in Christ, lives within us and empowers us to live for God as we wait eagerly and patiently for Christ to return and for God’s perfect new creation.

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