Facilities and features


Limited car parking is possible outside the church in Church Lane

The village defibrillator is located in a former BT phone box approximately 100 metres from the church on Horton Hill.

A portable ramp for wheelchair use is located inside the church by the main entrance.

Our Building

Open for individual prayer
Stained Glass

Grade II listed, St Barnabas Church was designed by William Butterfield (1814-1900), the famous Victorian architect, who also designed Keble College, Oxford.

Music and Worship


Groups, Courses and Activities

Bible study
Coffee morning

Help for Visitors

Every day typically from 9am to 4pm. Visitors are asked to read and follow the safety notices inside the church.

Other Features

Donations from our Harvest festival service go to a local foodbank

Otmoor is a site of special scientific interest (sssi), part of which is a major RSPB nature reserve.