Facilities and features
There are two toilets at the back of church - one in the narthex (where the café operates), and a disabled toilet also with baby changing facilities to the left as you enter the church.
Inside the disabled toilet area.
Inside the church.
The car park is rented out for parking.
A moveable ramp is available
Turn to the at T setting.
Our Building
You are very welcome to come and pray in St Luke's, and to light a candle. The church is open from 9am-3:30pm (3pm in winter) Monday to Friday, and 10am-3pm on Saturdays and Sundays. The clergy are available if you wish to speak to someone; please ask a member of staff at Café Portico or visit the Parish Office down the steps to the right of the church.
The west window
St Luke's is a Grade I listed building.
Music and Worship
St Luke's has a ring of ten bells. They are rung before the 10:30am service on Sundays, and for special events such as weddings.
To hire the church please contact the parish office.
0207 351 7365
[email protected]
Every Sunday at 8am.
The choir at St Luke's is a young and friendly group, who put just as much enthusiasm into socialising as singing! We are the perfect choice for anyone who has sung in cathedral or chapel choirs at university and wishes to continue singing to a high standard when they leave and move to London. We regularly recruit for all voice parts. Choral scholarships are also available. Please see our page on joining the choir for more information http://www.vinumbonum.org.uk/joining.php
Groups, Courses and Activities
Youth Events for 11+: please contact the parish office for more details. Call 020 7351 7365
9th Chelsea Scout Group – at St. Luke’s Hall Term Time
For further info on all contact Wolf or Chil
[email protected]
Beavers: Boys and girls aged 6-8
Every Thursday 1700-1830
Meets every Tuesday morning at 10am. Contact the Parish Office on 020 7351 7365 for more information.
They meet on a Tuesday evening at 6pm in the St Luke's Hall during term time.
Please contact [email protected]
9th Chelsea Scout Group – at St. Luke’s Hall during Term Time
For further info on all contact Wolf or Chil
[email protected]
Cubs: Boys and girls aged 8-10 & a half
Every Thursday 1900-2030
They meet on Tuesday at 6pm to 7.30pm in the St Luke's Hall during term time.
Contact [email protected]
We are very involved in support of the local homeless charity Glass Door, and host a shelter in one of our halls every Friday night during the winter. See www.glassdoor.co.uk for more information on their work.
ABC meets every Thursday during term-time at 10-11:30am in Christ Church. Parents, carers and toddlers are very welcome.
At St. Luke’s Hall during term time
10th Chelsea (St. Luke’s) Rainbows
For girls Aged 5-7 meet Tuesday 1700-1800
Contact: Rose [email protected]
9th Chelsea Scout Group – at St. Luke’s Hall Term Time
For further info on all contact Wolf or Chil
[email protected]
Scouts - Boys and girls 10 & a half-14
Every Friday 1900-2100
Explorers - Boys and girls 14-18
Every Friday 1900-2100
Youth Events for 11 + please contact Samuel Rylands for more details: 020 7351 7365 or [email protected]. We also offer a popular Summer Programme for 8-13 year olds: contact the Parish Office on 020 7351 7365 for more details.
Help for Visitors
A leaflet is available inside the church; there is also a display in the Narthex, and more information online at https://www.chelseaparish.org/stlukes.htm
Cafe Portico operates at the entrance to St Luke's, offering hot and cold drinks as well as a wide range of options for breakfast and lunch including a full English, sandwiches, toasties, jacket potatoes and pies. It is open on Monday to Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm, Saturday 10.00am - 4.00pm and Sunday 12 noon - 4.00pm.
The church is open from 8.30am to 3.30pm (3pm in winter) daily.
Other Features
On a Tuesday morning from 11.30am to 1pm.
At the back of the church in the vestry.
St Luke's Hall, behind the church on St Luke's Street, is available for hire for children's parties and other events.
Contact [email protected]
0207 351 6133