Vox Holloway Community Choir

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Luke West Holloway
Hillmarton Road, West Holloway, N7 9JE, United Kingdom

Vox Holloway (Latin: “the voice of Holloway”) began in 2009 as a community choral society for all – no auditions, no professions of faith or previous experience of choral singing required – with St Luke’s as its home. It includes participants from far and wide who wouldn't necessarily consider setting foot in a church.

At its first concert, ‘The Messiah’ in December 2009, the choir raised £6,000 for the Umthombo Street Children project in Durban South Africa. At its second, ‘Requiem in Blue’ by Harvey Brough, performed on Palm Sunday, it raised £14,000 for the DEC Haiti appeal. Both were performed to a packed house.

Its director, Justin Butcher, who's also the organist and choirmaster at St Luke’s, says:
“I think my key inspiration is my conviction that singing, perhaps more than any other art form, connects us most profoundly to the mystery of who and what we are – body, mind and spirit – at the same time as connecting us to each other. It’s a crime that so many people grow up thinking they can’t sing and miss out on something that should be both fun, creative and sociable but also a primal encounter with the Divine in the midst of life.”

Rehearsals are every Tuesday at 7.30pm at the church - term time. Sign up at voxholloway.com.

St Luke West Holloway

Welcome to St Luke's where, on a good day, everyone can be themselves, however they describe their faith. Or lack of it.

We aspire to be a community which is inclusive and accepting, regardless of ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability, background or belief.

Our Priest-in-Charge is Rev'd Paul Adlington.

Our main Family Service is at 11am on Sundays with communion, and on the first Sunday of the month we hold a Celtic prayer service at 11am inspired by The Iona Community (no communion). We have lots on at other times, check out service and events page and join our newsletter (sign up on our website) to keep up to date with events held locally and in the church.

The parish of St Luke West Holloway is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer, PSO. The Diocese of London’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor (DSA) who advise our PSO. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services.

Get in touch

Parish Administrator

Hillmarton Road

N7 9JE

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What's on

Vox Holloway Community Choir

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Luke West Holloway
Hillmarton Road, West Holloway, N7 9JE, United Kingdom

Vox Holloway (Latin: “the voice of Holloway”) began in 2009 as a community choral society for all – no auditions, no professions of faith or previous experience of choral singing required – with St Luke’s as its home. It includes participants from far and wide who wouldn't necessarily consider setting foot in a church.

At its first concert, ‘The Messiah’ in December 2009, the choir raised £6,000 for the Umthombo Street Children project in Durban South Africa. At its second, ‘Requiem in Blue’ by Harvey Brough, performed on Palm Sunday, it raised £14,000 for the DEC Haiti appeal. Both were performed to a packed house.

Its director, Justin Butcher, who's also the organist and choirmaster at St Luke’s, says:
“I think my key inspiration is my conviction that singing, perhaps more than any other art form, connects us most profoundly to the mystery of who and what we are – body, mind and spirit – at the same time as connecting us to each other. It’s a crime that so many people grow up thinking they can’t sing and miss out on something that should be both fun, creative and sociable but also a primal encounter with the Divine in the midst of life.”

Rehearsals are every Tuesday at 7.30pm at the church - term time. Sign up at voxholloway.com.

St Luke West Holloway Charity No. 1128923