Stay & Play for 0-5s

Every Friday at for 2 hours
St Andrew's, Thornhill Square
Thornhill Square Islington, N1 1BQ, United Kingdom

Come and play! We've got arts and crafts, sensory and messy play, snacks (and tea and coffee for adults).

To book please email [email protected] with your name, child’s name, and age.

Every Friday morning during term time

Open Church

Every Saturday at for 2 hours
St Andrew's, Thornhill Square
Thornhill Square Islington, N1 1BQ, United Kingdom

Come in and say hello!

Find out about local history at our exhibition, discover a new favourite read at our book swap, and give your children the space to get creative with our kids' crafts in the welcome area. There’s also a toddler’s clothes swap running until 12.30pm.

The church is open for quiet reflection. A priest is usually available from 11.30am -12 pm.

Tea, coffee and refreshments provided. Donations welcome.

9am - Service of Holy Communion (BCP)

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Andrew's, Thornhill Square
Thornhill Square Islington, N1 1BQ, United Kingdom

Every Sunday, we have a traditional Holy Communion service using the Book of Common Prayer, with hymns and organ music.

10:30am - Service of Holy Communion (Common Worship)

Every Second, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Andrew's, Thornhill Square
Thornhill Square Islington, N1 1BQ, United Kingdom

We have a Common Worship Holy Communion service on the second, fourth and fifth Sundays of the month, and have baptisms within some of these services.

Our children's group, Starchasers, runs at each of these services. All are welcome!

Cosy Corner

Every Monday at for 3 hours
Church on the Corner
64 Barnsbury Road Islington, N1 0ES, United Kingdom

A friendly drop-in with refreshments, games, art, chat and more.
All are welcome.

10:30am - All-age service

Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
St Andrew's, Thornhill Square
Thornhill Square Islington, N1 1BQ, United Kingdom

We have an all-age Service of the Word on the first Sunday of the month. All are welcome - do come along!

Gardening Group

Monthly. Every Second Saturday at for 2 hours
St Andrew's, Thornhill Square
Thornhill Square Islington, N1 1BQ, United Kingdom

Come and garden with us! Tools provided, but it helps if you bring your own trowel and gloves. Free refreshments are available. Our aim is to make the gardens around St Andrew's a place of joy and peace for people and wildlife. We are totally informal, everyone is welcome, just do what you can and have fun!

10:30am - Service of the Word (Common Worship)

Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Andrew's, Thornhill Square
Thornhill Square Islington, N1 1BQ, United Kingdom

We have a Service of the Word from Common Worship on the third Sunday of the month. Our children's group, Starchasers, runs in this service. All are welcome!