Harvest Thanksgiving All Age Eucharist

for 1 hour, 10 mins
St Michael & All Angels, London Fields
Lansdowne Drive London Fields Hackney, E8 3ER, United Kingdom

followed by a ‘Bring and Share’ Lunch in the Church Hall. All welcome.
As children and adults bring harvest gifts up to the sanctuary, we praise God in uplifting singing and drumming for the bounty of creation. At the same time, this Eucharist involves a commitment to care for the whole planet, and especially for those in need. Donations of non-perishable food are requested for St Saviour’s Priory for their work with the homeless and Hackney Foodbank to support families and individuals in crisis.

St Michael & All Angels, London Fields

Get in touch

The Vicar, the Revd Daniel Gerrans

The Vicarage
97 Lavender Grove
E8 3LR

Parish landline
020 7249 2627

Our website

What's on

Harvest Thanksgiving All Age Eucharist

for 1 hour, 10 mins
St Michael & All Angels, London Fields
Lansdowne Drive London Fields Hackney, E8 3ER, United Kingdom

followed by a ‘Bring and Share’ Lunch in the Church Hall. All welcome.
As children and adults bring harvest gifts up to the sanctuary, we praise God in uplifting singing and drumming for the bounty of creation. At the same time, this Eucharist involves a commitment to care for the whole planet, and especially for those in need. Donations of non-perishable food are requested for St Saviour’s Priory for their work with the homeless and Hackney Foodbank to support families and individuals in crisis.