Main Sunday Service

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Michael & All Angels, London Fields
Lansdowne Drive London Fields Hackney, E8 3ER, United Kingdom

St Michael’s is open for public worship each Sunday for our 10am Eucharist. To enable as many as possible to worship in church together as safely as possible, if you would like to attend this service, we ask you to read and heed the FAQs available on a link on our Website The service is live-streamed for those not able to attend. Contact the Vicar for the link.

Weekday Eucharist

Every Wednesday at for 20 mins
St Michael & All Angels, London Fields
Lansdowne Drive London Fields Hackney, E8 3ER, United Kingdom

In our chapel, left off the entrance lobby.

Weekday Eucharist

Every Thursday at for 20 mins
St Michael & All Angels, London Fields
Lansdowne Drive London Fields Hackney, E8 3ER, United Kingdom

In our chapel, left off the entrance lobby.

Not during August, or between Christmas and New Year.

All Age Eucharist for Mothering Sunday

for 1 hour
St Michael & All Angels, London Fields
Lansdowne Drive London Fields Hackney, E8 3ER, United Kingdom

We give thanks for the love of mothers and the source of all love - God.

All Age Eucharist

Every First Sunday at for 55 mins
St Michael & All Angels, London Fields
Lansdowne Drive London Fields Hackney, E8 3ER, United Kingdom

Once a month (usually the first Sunday) our service is All Age Worship. This is a shorter, more child-friendly service. Children stay in church, and when communion is distributed, those not confirmed are offered blessed bread.
To enable as many as possible to worship in church together as safely as possible, if you would like to attend this service, we ask you to read and heed the FAQs available on a link on our Website The service is live-streamed for those not able to attend. Contact the Vicar for the link.

Palm Sunday Procession and Eucharist

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Michael & All Angels, London Fields
Lansdowne Drive London Fields Hackney, E8 3ER, United Kingdom

We begin the journey through Holy Week, by celebrating Jesus's entry into Jerusalem.
The service starts on London Fields with the Blessing of Palms and a Procession to the Church, where we continue with the Eucharist.

Eucharist for Monday of Holy Week

for 30 mins
St Michael & All Angels, London Fields
Lansdowne Drive London Fields Hackney, E8 3ER, United Kingdom

Held in our chapel, left off the entrance lobby. With short reflection.

Maundy Thursday Eucharist of the Last Supper followed by Vigil

for 2 hours
St Michael & All Angels, London Fields
Lansdowne Drive London Fields Hackney, E8 3ER, United Kingdom

We recall Christ’s Last Supper with his disciples, following His example by washing each others' feet (see John 13.14). The service is followed by a Vigil till 9.30pm, in which we watch and pray with Christ in His hour of need (see Mark 14.32-42), and ask Him to watch and pray with us in ours.

Eucharist for Tuesday of Holy Week

for 30 mins
St Michael & All Angels, London Fields
Lansdowne Drive London Fields Hackney, E8 3ER, United Kingdom

Held in our chapel, left off the entrance lobby. With short reflection.

Eucharist for Wednesday of Holy Week

for 1 hour
St Michael & All Angels, London Fields
Lansdowne Drive London Fields Hackney, E8 3ER, United Kingdom

Held in our chapel, left off the entrance lobby. With short reflection.

Good Friday All Age Stations of the Cross

for 30 mins
St Michael & All Angels, London Fields
Lansdowne Drive London Fields Hackney, E8 3ER, United Kingdom

A simple service that takes children and their parents/carers through the events of Good Friday, following Jesus' path of suffering from Pilate’s house to Calvary. We pause for prayer and devotion at various points in the story or ‘stations’.

Good Friday Celebration of the Lord's Passion

for 2 hours
St Michael & All Angels, London Fields
Lansdowne Drive London Fields Hackney, E8 3ER, United Kingdom

We recall the solemn events of Good Friday with music, readings, action and reflection.

Easter Day Vigil and Eucharist

for 45 mins
St Michael & All Angels, London Fields
Lansdowne Drive London Fields Hackney, E8 3ER, United Kingdom

Our celebrations of Christ's resurrection begin at dawn, as we carry the Easter Candle into the dark church.
This atmospheric service continues with a Vigil and Eucharist.

Easter Day All Age Parish Eucharist with Baptisms

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Michael & All Angels, London Fields
Lansdowne Drive London Fields Hackney, E8 3ER, United Kingdom

Our journey through Lent and Holy Week concludes with a joyful celebration of Jesus' resurrection.

St Michael's Patronal Festival

for 1 hour, 10 mins
St Michael & All Angels, London Fields
Lansdowne Drive London Fields Hackney, E8 3ER, United Kingdom

At our parish festival we give thanks for St Michael's, its past and present members, and we pray for God's care and guidance in the future.
A prayer for the Feast of St Michael & All Angels:
Everlasting God, you have ordained and constituted the ministries of angels and mortals in a wonderful order: grant that as your holy angels always serve you in heaven, so, at your command, they may help and defend us on earth; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Harvest Thanksgiving All Age Eucharist

for 1 hour, 10 mins
St Michael & All Angels, London Fields
Lansdowne Drive London Fields Hackney, E8 3ER, United Kingdom

followed by a ‘Bring and Share’ Lunch in the Church Hall. All welcome.
As children and adults bring harvest gifts up to the sanctuary, we praise God in uplifting singing and drumming for the bounty of creation. At the same time, this Eucharist involves a commitment to care for the whole planet, and especially for those in need. Donations of non-perishable food are requested for St Saviour’s Priory for their work with the homeless and Hackney Foodbank to support families and individuals in crisis.