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Organ Recital

Every Tuesday at for 45 mins
St Mary Abchurch
Abchurch Lane City of London London, EC4N 7BA, United Kingdom

There is usually a weekly organ recital on Tuesday at 12:30, with free entry and voluntary retiring collection.

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There is no recital when the church is closed, between December 23 and the first Monday after New Year's Day.

Holy Communion

Every Wednesday at for 45 mins
St Mary Abchurch
Abchurch Lane City of London London, EC4N 7BA, United Kingdom

A service of Holy Communion from the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) is usually held on Wednesday at 12:30. Either the Priest in Charge, the Rev'd Malcolm Torry, or the Chaplain, the Rev'd David Goodburn, presides. The service usually includes a hymn, organ accompaniment and organ voluntary.

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There is no service when the church is closed between December 23 and the first Monday after New Year's Day.