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Getting here

We are a diverse community at St Andrew Holborn, encompassing many different aspects of the church’s life.


The life of St Andrew's is supported by the work of our clergy. We have some clergy who help us regularly, but our resident clergy here are the Rt Revd Dr Jonathan Baker, Bishop of Fulham and Guild Vicar, and the Revd Mark Young, Associate Vicar.


Our congregation is made up of people who worship with us on every day of the week – whether at the Sung Eucharist on a Wednesday evening or at the said Holy Communion services on other days (please see the calendar for more details). Other people come into the church during the day as a place to pray, be quiet or simply to rest. In addition to our weekly pattern of regular services, there are also additional services for feasts and special events that appeal to other people too. Our worship style varies from small and informal, to larger more solemn occasions, we make use of traditional hymnody and classical/choral repertoire – all within the Catholic tradition with the Eucharist at the heart of the Church.


We encourage people to go deeper with their Christian commitment and their spiritual lives and we try to provide resources for this development.


Our church is open every day to provide people with space and peace in a busy, and sometimes confusing, city. On Tuesday and Thursday of each week we also provide a Listening Service which is staffed by trained volunteers and provides the opportunity for people to be heard and unburden any problems they may be facing.


There is a prayer board in church, as well as online where people can leave their prayer requests – these are then prayed at one of the weekly services. There is also a statue of Our Lady, the Mother of Jesus (in the Lady Chapel), at which people can light a candle. The Blessed Sacrament is reserved in church for the Communion of the sick and as a promise of Christ’s presence with us. The church is enhanced by some icons which have been acquired in recent years and which help to provide a focus for prayer.


At St Andrew Holborn we are keen to maintain ecumenical links and as such we offer hospitality to a Russian Orthodox congregation which uses our church for their liturgies on Sunday mornings and on their feast days.


The life of our church is governed by our GCC (Guild Church Council) – this is the equivalent of the PCC (Parochial Church Council) in parish churches. The GCC is made up of clergy, churchwardens, lay officers and elected lay representatives. All members of the GCC are regular worshippers at St Andrew’s and each person contributes something unique to the life and leadership of the church.


A number of charities operate from St Andrew Holborn which bring relief to many people facing financial hardship in the local area. Please see the charity pages for more information


St Andrew Holborn is also a thriving and busy venue for events. Our trading company co-ordinates the use of our rooms and facilities for meetings, conferences  and hospitality events which bring many people into our church and community and provides a source of income for the mission of the church. The trading company also retails some merchandise associated with our church – copies of the icons, umbrellas and postcards. Please click here to be directed to our shop.


Our church is also an excellent venue for music. Much of our music happens within the context of our liturgy – co-ordinated by our Director of Music, James McVinnie. But we also have regular concerts and recitals in church given by choirs, orchestras and soloists of international renown. We have good relationships with Coro, the Holst Singers and other groups who regularly use our church for their rehearsals. Please see the calendar for any upcoming events.

Many other events happen at St Andrew’s on a regular or occasional basis, check the website regularly to see our latest upcoming events and news, and get in touch if you have any enquiry – we will be pleased to help you.

5. St Andrew Street

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