Midweek bible study groups

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at for 2 hours, 15 mins
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
St Helen's Church, Bishopsgate
Great St Helen's (off Bishopsgate) London, EC3A 6AT, United Kingdom

Are you just looking into Christianity? Have you been a Christian for years? We would love you to be a part of one of our groups as we each listen to Jesus’ word in the Bible. There are a wide range of groups to cater for people at all ages and stages.

Sunday morning service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
St Helen's Church, Bishopsgate
Great St Helen's (off Bishopsgate) London, EC3A 6AT, United Kingdom

Our Sunday morning meeting draws people from around the world at every stage of life. The meeting includes both traditional hymns and contemporary songs, prayer and a talk from the Bible. We gather at 10:30 for tea and coffee and time to chat before the service begins at 10:45.

Sunday 2pm Service (Mandarin speaking)

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Helen's Church, Bishopsgate
Great St Helen's (off Bishopsgate) London, EC3A 6AT, United Kingdom

Our 2pm meeting is made up of Mandarin speakers of various ages and nationalities. Like the rest of the church family, we are all about the one thing that matters, knowing Jesus and making him known. Please do invite Mandarin speaking friends to join us, either on Sunday afternoons or at one of our other events.

福音之家是伦敦St Helen’s教会的普通话聚会。我们的成员来自不同民族、不同国家、不同年龄阶段,但是共同的语言把我们联合起来。和整个St Helen’s大家庭一样,我们渴望更加认识耶稣并且让更多人认识他。

Sunday 4PM service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
St Helen's Church, Bishopsgate
Great St Helen's (off Bishopsgate) London, EC3A 6AT, United Kingdom

Our 4pm meeting is informal in feel and brings together people at different stages with varied life-experiences. We have crèche facilities and Sunday school groups for children aged 0–14.

Sunday 6PM Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
St Helen's Church, Bishopsgate
Great St Helen's (off Bishopsgate) London, EC3A 6AT, United Kingdom

Our 6pm meeting is a contemporary service with a younger feel. If you are arriving in London to begin work or study, you will find many people at your stage of life. After the meeting a meal is served in St Andrew's Church where we catch up with friends and talk about what we have heard that evening.

Tuesday lunchtime talk

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
St Helen's Church, Bishopsgate
Great St Helen's (off Bishopsgate) London, EC3A 6AT, United Kingdom

There is a great need for workers across London to hear the good news of Jesus. St Helen's works with people across London to help encourage and equip them to live as Christians at work. The working week provides many opportunities for people asking the big questions of life.

Good Friday morning meeting

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Helen's Church, Bishopsgate
Great St Helen's (off Bishopsgate) London, EC3A 6AT, United Kingdom

Our Good Friday service. We have crèche facilities and Sunday school groups for children aged 0-11.

Easter Sunday morning meeting

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Helen's Church, Bishopsgate
Great St Helen's (off Bishopsgate) London, EC3A 6AT, United Kingdom

Our Easter Sunday service. We have crèche facilities and Sunday school groups for children aged 0-11.