Advent and Christmas appeal 2024

Notices Advent christmas

St Botolph’s Advent & Christmas charities this year are: The Refugee Council for its therapeutic work in London with adult refugees, who often arrive deeply traumatised after devastating experiences and losses, and Beyond Conflict, the mental health charity for survivors of war, terrorism and displacement, for its project in Lviv, Ukraine offering mental health support to children affected by the ongoing war.

Those visiting St Botolph's during Advent, or attending services either in church or online, are encouraged to consider making a donation to these worthy causes. If you are a UK taxpayer please complete a Gift Aid envelope so the charities may benefit from an additional 25% on top of your donation. Contactless donations may be made using one of the devices at the front or back of church, or the dedicated QR code displayed in church, and donations may be made online through the website. These donations may also be Gift Aided. Many thanks for your support.