These are Lent & Easter events this year.

Lent Course on the Creed

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Andrew by the Wardrobe
St Andrews Hill and Queen Victoria Street, EC4V 5DE, United Kingdom

Lent is almost upon us, and in this year of the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicea we shall be studying the Creed – the statement of belief - which was agreed at Nicea in 325 AD and has been recited in churches ever since. Join us in person or online to find out more about this foundational statement of world Christianity. We shall be online and in person with Bishop Jonathan and other people and clergy from the City Catholics Network using a course which has been prepared by the Society of SS Wilfrid and Hilda .

Joining details: Join the Zoom meetings using the link
Meeting ID: 840 3034 9955
Passcode: 716429

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Will take place on a Tuesday evening with the exception of the third week when it will be held on Wednesday 26th March.