Sunday Service on the Third Sunday - Eucharist [Holy Communion] - starts at 9.30 am

Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Andrew’s Church, Springfield
Waterloo Street Wigan, WN6 7NA, United Kingdom

Morning Prayer. Service led by presiding priest. This will be our 2nd Eucharist on a Sunday [each month] and will follow the Eucharist service order.

Bingo Forever

Every Monday at for 2 hours
Parish Centre
Parish Centre, 120 Woodhouse Lane Springfield Wigan, WN6 7LZ

Open to all - come along and enjoy a chat and an afternoon with friends. Tea/coffee & biscuits provided in the interval. Books of 6 games available @ £1.00 per game. Door raffle and main raffle. Everyone Welcome. Doors open at 1 pm, Eyes down at 1.30 pm. Finishes approx 3 pm.

Does not take place on Bank Holidays


Every Monday at for 1 hour
Parish Centre
Parish Centre, 120 Woodhouse Lane Springfield Wigan, WN6 7LZ

Rainbows now takes place in the Parish Centre onMondays from 5.30 pm - 6.30 pm. Regularly during Term Time. Rainbow Leaders are looking for responsible people over the age of 18 yrs to help with managing the group. This can be on a weekly or monthly basis that suits your circumstances. At the moment they cannot accept any more children due to the lack of helpers and will be most grateful for more assistance as there is a waiting list of children wanting to join. If you can help, please contact Elaine or Nora via the following address: [email protected]

Takes place during school term times only

Zumba [for Men as well as Women] Please Note: Zumba has changed the day of event to MONDAYS

Every Monday at for 1 hour
Parish Centre
Parish Centre, 120 Woodhouse Lane Springfield Wigan, WN6 7LZ

Zumba in the Parish Centre.
Qualified Instructor - Steph Moss. Energetic dance moves with exercise combined to upbeat music. Suitable for all ages. Work at your own pace. New routines available at regular times. Come along for the fun. Zumba is for Men as well as Women!

regularly every week

Trimform is back on Tuesdays

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour
Parish Centre
Parish Centre, 120 Woodhouse Lane, Springfield, Wigan, WN6 7LZ

Takes place in the Parish Centre. Event run by Petra Plumb, qualified instructor. High impact aerobics. Starts at 7 pm and ends at 8 pm.

Holy Communion Service

Every Tuesday at for 40 mins
St Andrew’s Church, Springfield
Waterloo Street Wigan, WN6 7NA, United Kingdom

Evening service in the Main Body of the Church. Open to everyone. Starts at 7 pm. For those who are unable to attend on a Sunday and for those who would like an additional service. Its a shorter service of about half to 3/4 of an hour in length and the people who come are very friendly. Its an easy place to come after a bereavement or if you are on your own or if would just like to find out more about church. You would be made very welcome. . Please remember to wear a mask. This service will take place in the main body of the church not the Chapel due to social distancing. There will be someone in attendance to guide you.

Scouts at Delph Street Scout Hut

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Delph Street Scout Hut Headquarters
Delph Street Scout Hut Headquarters, Delph Street, off Park Road, Wigan

Enjoy an evening of fun, adventure, learning, challenges, etc Achieve tasks and receive badges. Switch off your games console and TV and come and experience some hands -on interesting work. This is open to 10+ to 14 yrs old. It is held on a Tuesday from 7.30 pm - 9 pm. Subs are £2.50 per child. We are also looking for leaders from 18yrs upwards to help at both Cubs and Scouts. Contact Dave Eastham on 07762 222900

Yoga with Ali

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Andrew's Parish Centre
St Andrew's Parish Centre, 120 Woodhouse Lane Springfield Wigan, WN6 7LZ

A relaxing way to exercise and mould your bodies without the need for a strenuous work out. classes last about 1 hour. Bring a mat if you have one [Ali does have a few spare if not]. You may also like to bring some water to drink. You only need to do what you are capable of, harder positions will become easier in time.


Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Andrew’s Church, Springfield
Waterloo Street Wigan, WN6 7NA, United Kingdom

An exercise routine aimed at older people and those with mobility issues. If you don't like the idea of lying on a mat on the floor, then Chair Yoga is a good alternative. Same exercises, stretches, balance, and relaxation but seated on a chair. As always you work to your own ability. If it hurts then you are going too far. All movements must be within your capacity. Everyone will be working at different levels so don't think you're not doing it right because your moves are different to others. everyone is on a different path. please do the exercises mindfully and it will soon become natural. Enjoy the work out and the relaxation at the end. You will feel energised.


Every Wednesday at for 2 hours
St Andrew’s Church, Springfield
Waterloo Street Wigan, WN6 7NA, United Kingdom

Throughout winter starting Weds 2nd October 2024 we will be opening the Parish Centre from 1pm until 3 pm on each Wednesday. This is part of our deal with Wigan Council. It has been really nice sitting talking with others and keeping them company so that they are not at home, alone in a cold environment. We make tea, coffee, toast, teacakes, cheese & ham toasties, cuppa soup and some of our attendees also bring cakes and biscuits to share. We colour pictures, sometimes craft, one lady paints. We do all this while chatting to each other. We may be coming to an end once April is over and we've really enjoyed meeting up, but we will be back next winter. There are only two of us organising this event and we do need to break for summer. It will be warm then and everyone will want to go out themselves.

This event only occurs during the winter months.

Zumba with Lizzy

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Andrew’s Church, Springfield
Waterloo Street Wigan, WN6 7NA, United Kingdom

Exercise and dance combined to give a good workout. All responsible ages are welcomed.


Every Thursday at for 55 mins
Parish Centre
Parish Centre, 120 Woodhouse Lane Springfield Wigan, WN6 7LZ

Exercise class taking place in the Parish Centre in addition to the Tuesday class. Starts promptly at 6.30 pm and ends at 7.25 pm. Contact Petra Plumb.

Brownie Guides - Term Time only

Every Friday at for 1 hour
Parish Centre
Parish Centre, 120 Woodhouse Lane Springfield Wigan, WN6 7LZ

In the Parish Centre on Fridays during term time. Sue Tomlinson = Brown Owl. Please contact Tracy Sinck or Carol Hilton for more information. Starts at 5.30 pm and ends at 7.15 pm.

Term time only

Girl Guides

Every Friday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Parish Centre
Parish Centre, 120 Woodhouse Lane, Springfield, Wigan., WN6 7LZ

Open to all young ladies between 10 - 14 yrs. Lots of enjoyable things to do - crafts, working for badges, outings, camping, baking, BBQ, pizza nights, chippy nights, games, fun nights, discos, treasure hunts, sponsored events. takes place in the Parish Centre during term time. July & August closed for summer. Captain = Joan James. Assistants = Carole Hilton

Term time only

Service of the Word - Fourth Sunday at 9.30 am

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Andrew’s Church, Springfield
Waterloo Street Wigan, WN6 7NA, United Kingdom

This will be led by either a Local Missional Leader, Lay Leader or Reader or Clergy. It will take the form of other Services but without communion. Will include prayers, hymns, readings, Talk. Ken and Gill Rees are the main leaders at this service.
Whilst this service takes place in church, The Parish Centre will host a Cafe Church for Andy's Kids and Families at the same time. See info under Andy's Kids/Family Cafe Church.


Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Parish Centre
Parish Centre, 120 Woodhouse Lane Springfield Wigan, WN6 7LZ

Takes place in the parish centre every 4th Sunday from 9.30 am. It is 50p per child to cover costs. During the service we take time out for tea/coffee/juice and toast. The meeting will take the form of stories, music, worship and crafts for the children. Parents are invited to join the children. As the title states this meeting is for Families. You will need to book your table by telephoning or texting Cath on 07711 203280, However we will not turn anyone away.

Eucharist /Communion Service at 9.30 am on the First Sunday of each Month

In February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Andrew’s Church, Springfield
Waterloo Street Wigan, WN6 7NA, United Kingdom

Every First Sunday will be a communion service at St Andrew's at 9.30 There is hand sanitiser available on entry, masks and distancing are advised but at your own discretion. This is to protect the vulnerable.

Mothers' Union - Please note change in meeting times - Now during afternoon

In February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November, December. Every First Tuesday at for 2 hours
Parish Centre
Parish Centre, 120 Woodhouse Lane, Springfield, Wigan, WN6 7LZ

This occurs on the first Tuesday of every month except during January, July & August - Leader - Margaret Anderton. Talks, visits, outings, meals, parties, demonstrations, business, games, prayers,

Friendship Circle - new opening time from 12.30 pm

Monthly. Every First Thursday at for 3 hours
The Parish Centre
The Parish Centre, 120 Woodhouse Lane Springfield Wigan, WN6 7LZ

A social event bringing people together for an afternoon of entertainment. £2.50 per person includes entertainment and refreshments. Our sessions last approx. 2 - 3 hrs but can occasionally be shorter or longer depending on content. You may, of course, leave at a time suitable for yourself; we have no set rules. Meet people, bring a friend, come alone, there will be plenty of friends there. don't worry if you cannot attend one week, it doesn't matter, we will still be there the following month. We will entertain whoever and how ever many arrive and if no one arrives we will still go ahead with our planned activity.


Christmas Fayre

for 4 hours
St Andrew’s Church, Springfield
Waterloo Street Wigan, WN6 7NA, United Kingdom

Come along and buy a bargain, have a go on our games, visit Santa in his Grotto, Watch Thomas Tank and Friends as they drive through wonderland, Play and Craft Area, Raffles, Embroidery, Candles and Wax melts with dispensers, Cakes, Preserves, Main Raffle, Tombolas, Sweets stall, Pluck-a-Duck, Gift bags, Avon and Body Shop products, Crafted goods, Santa's Beard, Knitted items, Novelties, Light Jats/bottles, Church Bargain Stall, Groceries and Refreshments in the Parish Centre.

Cafe Church in St Andrew's Parish Centre on 2nd Sunday, doors open at 9.30 am, service starts 10 am

Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Parish Centre
Parish Centre, 12o Woodhouse Lane Springfield Wigan, WN6 7LZ

This service, which will be similar to a Service of the Word, will be led by Local Missional Leader [Cath Knowles] with Sandra Cullen and Jayne Donnellan, and will be the only service on this Sunday. There will be NO service in church. Tea, Coffee and toast will be served during the service. If you arrive for 9.30 am you will be able to have a cuppa before the service starts. There will be a craft table for children, music will be electronic keyboard and guitar. Please follow all social distancing rules, wear a mask, sanitise your hands - this is for your safety and that of others. It is a request not mandatory. Please stay in your seat at all times and do not move around the room or approach others, who may wish to keep a social distance. Thank you for your co-operation. To book a seat[s] please phone Meg on 01942 237575 or text 07833 613704. The finish time is approximate as the length of the service varies depending on how many people attend.

Cuppa and a Chat - Breakfast Cafe 10.00 am - 12.00 pm in aid of MacMillan Cancer Care

Friday 20 September 2024 at for 2 hours
Parish Centre
Parish Centre, 120 Woodhouse Lane Springfield Wigan, WN6 7LZ

Have Breakfast / Lunch with us and friends, once a month on the last Friday of each month. Have a chat and catch up. Special - Sausage Baps. Cheese & Ham Toasties, Tea Cakes, Fruit Loaf, Hot Cross Buns, plain toast, cheese on toast, drinks - tea, coffee, chocolate and juice.
Raffle, Cards 3 for £1.00, Pluck-a-Duck.

From September we will only be having special events on certain Fridays