
You can continue to support your church in the following ways: 

Good News: We are able to receive contactless payments and donations as we have a digital machine so that you can pay by card or phone. There are various amounts listed eg £3, £5, £10 & £20. Or you can select any amount by touching the £ boxes on screen, enter your own amount then tap your card or phone on top of machine. The least amount you can donate in this way is £1.

Alternatively you can scan our QR code and make a donation without leaving the house. Scan the code with your phone and follow the instructions to the website. fill in the details and send. Our Church Parish Code is 220622254. For the QR image 

1] Keep your existing Parish Giving Share [PGS] gift or standing Order going

Please contact Peter Warrington on 01942 386128 [our treasurer] and local contact for PSG or direct donations to our church - St Andrew's 

2] Set up a new Direct Debit with PGS by calling 0333 002 1271.  PGS is a national Direct debit scheme that many use in Wigan and which benefits your church by enabling it to re-claim Gift Aid on a monthly basis. send an e-mail to [email protected] or phone Ruth Laemmel [one of our HUB administrators] on 07719 645929 on Mon, Thurs, Friday between 10 am - 12 pm.

3] If you give through the envelope scheme or by weekly donation on the collection plate, please continue to put aside your filled envelopes and cash gifts to offer at a special service once public worship restarts. Although we are unable to use your gift in the meantime, we will need money to pay deferred bills once we can meet again face to face.

Thank you so much for reading and for your continued support

God Bless