We'd love to hear from you


For Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals - First point of contact  - telephone 01942 705260 [Central Hub Office]

For Christenings [and Remembrance Book] & Mothers' Union info - Margaret Anderton  Telephone : 01942 709671

For Home Communion - Margaret Smethurst Telephone : 01942 237575 [Secretary @ St Andrew's]

For Prayer List, Prayer meetings, Youth Group, Brownies - Tracy Sinck  07786 281765

For Men's Group and Church Lottery - David Knight Telephone 01942 244663

For Church Access - The Verger - Mr G Last Telephone 01942 200141

For Parish Centre Bookings - Leasing Officer and Editor Mrs Jean Moss Telephone 01942 741499

For Scouts, Cubs and Beavers - Dave Eastham 07762 222900

For Flowers in Church - Janet Moss  01942 512675

For Financial Information  -  Sandra Cullen [Hub Treasurer] /  Mr Peter Warrington  [Treasurer @ St Andrew's] 01942 386128

HUB PCC members - Mrs Sandra Cullen [also Lay Joint Council member of the HUB] - Contact: [email protected]

 Mrs Tracy Sinck 

Local Missional Leaders - Mrs Cath Knowles and Mrs Sandra Cullen.

USPG representative  -  Mrs Margaret Butler

Assistant Church Warden/Magazine Team Leader  Mr David Wilde

Synod Representatives  - Mr D Wilde 

Send us a message

If your message is about safeguarding, please contact the safeguarding team for your area, rather than completing this form.

Say "hello"

Rev. Roland Harvey [ Hub Leader]

Wigan Central Office

Church Wigan Central Hub Office
01942 705260