About Us

At St Thomas’, we love Jesus and love sharing his message of hope with others. We have a wide spectrum of people in our worshipping community, young and older, new Christians and those established in faith, people who have lived in Ashton for many years and those passing through including those seeking asylum. 

Our 9am Sunday services and 9:45 Thursday services are traditional whilst our 10:45 is more contemporary often led by our worship band with provision for children and young people to worship. We have a lovely team of welcomers who greet worshippers before each service.

We have a thriving pantry where you are welcome to shop either on Sunday afternoon from 3-4pm, Tuesday morning from 11-12noon or on Thursdays from 2-3pm

Each Tuesday morning you are invited to join us for coffee and toast in the church hall. People stay and chat, often planning to meet for other social events during the week.

We have a toddler group Weenies, who meet each Wednesday from 1-2:30 in the church hall where babies, toddlers and pre schoolers enjoy an afternoon of fun and play whilst their parents and responsible adults have time to chat in an informal safe space.

There are always jobs to be tackled and gardeners, cleaners, odd jobbers are always welcome!

St Thomas’ has a Grade 2 listed, beautiful, sandstone exterior with many beautiful stained glass windows. Its original oak doors open onto an impressive garden area, very popular with our wedding couples. Inside, the church has been tastefully re ordered with tiled floors, under-floor heating and comfortable seating. It is often re arranged for messy church activities, informal concerts, exhibitions, meeting spaces and conference facilities by the addition of tables. Its ample kitchen facilities mean that there are always welcoming drinks and refreshments whenever you visit.

We look forward to welcoming you to St Thomas soon.