Fun Around the Tree!

for 45 mins
Lowton St Mary's Church
Newton Road Lowton, WA3 1EN, United Kingdom

Our ever-popular Christmas Eve event! A perfect way for you and your family to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas before going home to put your pj's on and put out your reindeer dust and cookies and milk for Father Christmas - in fact, he may find time to drop in for a very special visit to St Mary's before his super-busy night begins!
All-age, informal, family-friendly and loads of fun - we'd love to see you there!

Lowton St Mary's Church

Much more information on our 3-Church-Team Site......

Get in touch

Rev'd Helen Coffey

Team Rector: Helen Coffey
Team Vicar: Trevor Hodson, 40, Riversdale, Woolston, Warrington WA1 4PZ

Rev'd Helen Coffey - Team Rector
Rev'd Trevor Hodson - Team Vicar

Our website

What's on

Fun Around the Tree!

for 45 mins
Lowton St Mary's Church
Newton Road Lowton, WA3 1EN, United Kingdom

Our ever-popular Christmas Eve event! A perfect way for you and your family to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas before going home to put your pj's on and put out your reindeer dust and cookies and milk for Father Christmas - in fact, he may find time to drop in for a very special visit to St Mary's before his super-busy night begins!
All-age, informal, family-friendly and loads of fun - we'd love to see you there!