for 1 hour
Venue Address
St. Mary's Road West Bank, Widnes Cheshire, WA8 0DP, United Kingdom
An opportunity to start the Christmas celebrations in style. The Christingle service, which is to take place of Sunday 22nd December at 4.00pm, offers the opportunity to understand the meaning of this season and to share the light of hope within our community.
From a practical point of the view the monetary offerings at this service will be donated to the work of The Children's Society.

St Mary's Church

For fund-raising opportunities see Funding & Donations. 

Get in touch

St. Mary's Church

St. Mary's Church,
St. Mary's Road,
West Bank,

Rev Canon Roland Harvey
(0151) 352 2049
What's on

Christingle Service.

for 1 hour
St Mary's Church
St. Mary's Road West Bank, Widnes Cheshire, WA8 0DP, United Kingdom

An opportunity to start the Christmas celebrations in style. The Christingle service, which is to take place of Sunday 22nd December at 4.00pm, offers the opportunity to understand the meaning of this season and to share the light of hope within our community.
From a practical point of the view the monetary offerings at this service will be donated to the work of The Children's Society.