Harvest Festival

for 1 hour
St Ambrose
241 Warrington Rd Widnes Cheshire, WA8 0AX, United Kingdom

On the 6th October at 10.30 we are holding an Harvest Festival Service in aid of the Food Bank. Instead of donating food items, gifts of money are requested as the people who operate the Food Bank know what items they are in need of. We look forward to welcoming you at this service.

St Ambrose

Get in touch

Joyce Roberts

Booking Officer
What's on

Harvest Festival

for 1 hour
St Ambrose
241 Warrington Rd Widnes Cheshire, WA8 0AX, United Kingdom

On the 6th October at 10.30 we are holding an Harvest Festival Service in aid of the Food Bank. Instead of donating food items, gifts of money are requested as the people who operate the Food Bank know what items they are in need of. We look forward to welcoming you at this service.