St.Mary's Launch Extension Appeal

St. Mary's has long had the idea of providing better facilities at the church. In 2024, we are launching our appeal to:

- Demolish the existing linkway between the church and its family room

- Build a new linkway to include 2 new toilets, a new kitchen and new entrances at both the front and the rear of the building

- We will also be insulating the family room and putting in a dividing screen which will allow 2 separate meetings to take place at the same time (available for both church and community use)

- Raising the level of the linkway and the family room to the same level as the church

We already have a significant sum of money from the sale of our former church hall however needed to raise £67,000 to complete this work, of which we have £53,900 to date. 

We have also appointed  a fundraiser to help with applications for grants from charities, the public sector and companies.

If you would like to donate to the appeal, please click
