About Us

Welcome to St Philip's Derbyshire Hill

St Philip’s is a welcoming community of Christians with a love for the local Derbyshire Hill area. 

Our vision is to bring the people of Derbyshire Hill to know the love of Jesus in a practical way. We do this through our worship, social action and mission to our local area.

Our worship is informal and relaxed and alternates between Holy Communion and more casual worship services. Our worship space is flexible and accessible, we run Kids Church during our Sunday Worship most weeks, but have a dedicated space for children if they want to use it. 

Our building is multi-purpose with various rooms for different activities for the community including Breakfast Club, Community Hub, Slimming World, St Helens Wellbeing, Uniform Organisations and other occasional users.

We’d love to see you at our services and events. There’s always a warm welcome here!

Pray with us:


Almighty God:

Our times are in your hand.

We call upon you in this hour of our need, when we are lonely and must stand apart.

Be our strength, O Sovereign Lord, our calm in the midst of raging seas, our refuge and our dwelling place.

Sanctify to us this time drawn away from others, even as your Son, O Father, drew away to a lonely place for prayer.

Deepen our need of you, O Lord, that every breath may be a whisper of the Spirit’s prompting, a renewed searching of the deep things of God.

Stir up in us the great act of intercession, that we may spend our time apart in prayer for the world you created and sustain.

Bless us in our turning toward you, and make us a blessing to those who stand in need of you, the whole fragile earth.

All this we ask in the name of great Physician, even Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


(Written by Revd Dr Katherine Sonderegger )