Facilities and features
Baby Changing Facilities
Car Park / Parking Available
Accessible Toilet
Accessible car parking
Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop
Our Building
Music and Worship
The first and third Sunday of each month is led by our Worship Group. The second and fourth Sundays are generally led by our organist.
Groups, Courses and Activities
We have two 'Life Group' through the week which is open to all. One in an evenings (different dates) and one every Wednesday morning.
Messy Church
This group meets from 9.15 - 11.00am every Monday and Wednesday mornings (generally during school terms)
Help for Visitors
Other Features
All our tea and coffee uses fairtrade!
We have collection points in the Church for any donations that people can pass on to the local St.Helens Foodbank for distribution
Audio-Visual Facilities
We have a large sports hall which has been used by a mixture of Local Council youth groups, martial arts, dance and even a Rcok Choir. Available to rent!