Facilities and features


Baby Changing Facilities
Bike rack
Accessible Toilet
Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print
Assistance Dogs
Gluten-free refreshments

Our Building

Listed Building

Music and Worship

Book of Common Prayer Services

Groups, Courses and Activities

AA meet Monday and Wednesday 7.30-9.30pm in the Parish Centre

Bible Book Club runs here. Please speak to the office for more details 01704 550027

Third Wednesday of each month 10.30am-12pm

Footprints, our Parents and Toddlers group meet in the Parish Centre on Thursdays in termtime 10-11.30am

Help for Visitors

Our Quiet Garden is open 9.30am-4pm Monday-Thursday and after the main service on Sunday.
The church can be open on Tuesday and Friday mornings (by appointment only). Please contact the office to organise your visit.

Other Features


Please contact the church office (01704) 550027