About Us

St John's is the parish church of Ainsdale, a suburb of Southport and 14 miles north of Liverpool.

We have a wide range of services to suit different styles of worship from Prayer Book (1662) service through Book of Common Worship (2004) to our informal Morning Praise service.

We are pleased to announce We have a New Vicar 

We are delighted that Rev Jackie Davies has been appointed as our new Vicar at St John’s Ainsdale. Her installation service will be MONDAY 17th JUNE at 7pm. More details will be announced nearer the time.

‘I am delighted to be able to announce that Rev Jackie Davies has been appointed as Vicar of St John’s Ainsdale.

She is currently working at Christ Church in Aughton as curate. Before ordination she worked as a learning support assistant supporting children with additional needs in Liverpool. She has been very involved in Girlguiding Merseyside for very many years culminating in receiving the Chief Commissioners’ award for outstanding work. She has also been a Reader.

She has a passion for welcoming all people of differing skills and abilities with love and grace and enabling them to grow in faith as disciples. She is creative and imaginative.

This will be the beginning of a new chapter for you all and the interview panel are convinced that Jackie is the right person to be now leading you. The school council were also very pleased to have met her and they have given her their thumbs up too!

I am very grateful to the parish representatives and the deanery representatives for all the time they have given to this discernment process. Thank you for your prayers during this time and I look forward to commending Jackie to you at her licensing service in due course.’

A message from Revd Jackie:

‘To the Church family at St John’s Ainsdale. I would just like to say how excited I am to be joining you all. I feel truly blessed to be called to minister alongside you all, journeying this road together.

Looking forward to meeting you all in person.

Wishing you all a happy Sunday and blessed Advent and Christmas.


Rev Jackie x’

Sharing God's Love,  Serving One Another