Lent Group

for 2 hours
All Saints, Rainford Parish Church
Church Road Rainford St Helens, WA11 8HJ, United Kingdom

Churches Together in Rainford are running a Lent Group this year based on The Chosen Series One. All welcome.
During each session we will watch an episode and then have a discussion on the story.
7 - 9pm
13th March at All Saints
20th March at URC
27th March at All Saints
3pm April at Corpus Christi
10th April at URC

Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
All Saints, Rainford Parish Church
Church Road Rainford St Helens, WA11 8HJ, United Kingdom

1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays - a said BCP Communion Service
2nd and 4th Sundays - a said Common Worship Service

Messy Church

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints, Rainford Parish Church
Church Road Rainford St Helens, WA11 8HJ, United Kingdom

All Welcome.
We meet in the Church Hall at 9am on the third Sunday of the month.
Crafts, worship and free breakfast.

10.30am Morning Worship

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints, Rainford Parish Church
All Saints, Rainford Parish Church, Church Road Rainford St Helens, WA11 8HJ, United Kingdom

1st Sunday - Family based morning worship and parade service for the Boys Brigade and Girls Association.
2nd and 4th Sundays - Holy Communion
3rd and 5th Sundays - Morning Prayer

Lent Group

for 2 hours
Rainford URC
Rainford URC, Higher Lane Rainford St Helens, WA11, United Kingdom

Churches Together in Rainford are running a Lent Group this year based on The Chosen Series One. All welcome.
During each session we will watch an episode and then have a discussion on the story.
7 - 9pm
20th March at URC
27th March at All Saints
3pm April at Corpus Christi
10th April at URC

Lent Group

for 2 hours
All Saints, Rainford Parish Church
Church Road Rainford St Helens, WA11 8HJ, United Kingdom

Churches Together in Rainford are running a Lent Group this year based on The Chosen Series One. All welcome.
During each session we will watch an episode and then have a discussion on the story.
7 - 9pm
27th March at All Saints
3pm April at Corpus Christi
10th April at URC

Mindful Photography

Monthly. Every First Tuesday at for 2 hours
All Saints, Rainford Parish Church
Church Road Rainford St Helens, WA11 8HJ, United Kingdom

Calling photographers and all who enjoy looking at photographs and thinking about their deeper meaning.
Come and join us for a mindful photography session as we share photos on a theme and explore what we see, bringing spirituality into our reflections.
Sometimes we use our cameras in the sessions so bring one along if you have one, your phone is perfect.
No experience necessary.

Lent Group

for 2 hours
Corpus Christi Church
Corpus Christi Church, Alfred Street Rainford St Helens, WA11, United Kingdom

Churches Together in Rainford are running a Lent Group this year based on The Chosen Series One. All welcome.
During each session we will watch an episode and then have a discussion on the story.
7 - 9pm
3pm April at Corpus Christi
10th April at URC

10.30am Family Service

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints, Rainford Parish Church
Church Road Rainford St Helens, WA11 8HJ, United Kingdom

1st Sunday - Family based morning worship and parade service for the Boys Brigade and Girls Association.

Choral Evensong BCP

Every First Sunday at
All Saints, Rainford Parish Church
Church Road Rainford St Helens, WA11 8HJ, United Kingdom

First Sunday in the month.
In winter months it starts at 4pm.
In summer months it starts at 6.30pm

Lent Group

for 2 hours
Rainford URC
Rainford URC, Higher Lane Rainford St Helens, WA11, United Kingdom

Churches Together in Rainford are running a Lent Group this year based on The Chosen Series One. All welcome.
During each session we will watch an episode and then have a discussion on the story.
7 - 9pm
10th April at URC