Thank you for considering supporting Lathom Park Chapel, you'll be helping to make a real difference.
Parish Giving Scheme
The best way to support us is to register online with the Parish Giving Scheme - our parish code is 220622160.
Give monthly, quarterly or annually by Direct DebitSign up to inflation linked giving annually, if you chooseGive a one-off giftEnhance your gift to the parish by having Gift Aid at 25% added to your givingJust Giving
To make a one-off donation please donate online
Did you know that whenever you buy anything online, you could be raising a free donation for Lathom Park Chapel?
There are over 6,000 retailers including John Lewis & Partners, Argos, Uswitch, eBay, M&S, Just Eat ready to give a free donation every time you shop online via Easyfundraising. It only takes 2 minutes to sign up.
All you have to do is:
1. Go to:
2. Click 'support this cause' and create an account
3. Choose from over 6,000 retailers to do your online shopping as normal and Lathom Park Chapel will receive a free donation with every purchase you make.