Morning Prayer

Every Second, Fifth Sunday at for 45 mins
St Thomas
St Thomas, Rock Lane Melling LIVERPOOL, L31 1EN, United Kingdom

Please check the 'Latest News' in case there's a change to the type of service. The fourth Sunday will usually be Holy Communion but please check to see which church it is at while we are trying out a more regular Team service on the fourth Sunday. Please be aware that we are still taking a careful approach to protect each other but all are welcome! The readings for the month can be seen in 'Latest News' on the News and Notices page under the Notices tab.


Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Maghull: St Peter
Moorhey Road Maghull Liverpool, L31 5LW, United Kingdom

This is an informal style of church with lots of worship songs, activities, fun and fellowship. All are welcome: we usually meet at St Peter's Church.

Mid-Week Team Holy Communion

Every Wednesday at for 45 mins
Maghull: St Andrew
22 Damfield Lane Maghull, L316DD, United Kingdom

This service takes place on Wednesdays and all are welcome!

Team Lent Course

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Maghull Green Park: St James
Green Lane, Maghull Liverpool, L31 8BW, United Kingdom

For the Lent Course this year, we are running 'The Prayer Course'. For more information please click on 'more info' below. It has 8 sessions so will continue after Easter for a few weeks. We highly recommend this course and would love lots of us to come together for it. It will be on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm beginning on Ash Wednesday 5th March at St. James’ Church on Green Lane. Please sign up or email Simon to give an idea of numbers.

Hot lunch, tea and cakes

Every Thursday at for 2 hours
Melling Tithebarn
Melling Tithebarn, Tithebarn Lane, Melling, L311EE

A hot lunch, tea and cakes every Thursday (a plate for donations will be available). You are assured of a very warm welcome so please do come and join us.

Bible Study In-Person (Thursday evening)

Every Thursday at for 1 hour, 45 mins
St Andrew's Church Hall
Damfield Lane Maghull, L31 1DD

"No one can have faith without hearing the message... Faith then comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ" Romans 10 v 17. You are assured of a very warm welcome so please do come and join us (7.15 for 7.30pm). [We are currently studying the Gospel of Luke.]

Tea and scones

Friday 04 April 2025 at for 1 hour
Maghull: St Peter
Moorhey Road Maghull Liverpool, L31 5LW, United Kingdom

The next one will be in April to avoid a clash with the World Day of Prayer on 7th March. All are welcome to come and enjoy a chat with a cuppa and scone.

Holy Communion

Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Thomas Melling
Rock Lane Melling LIVERPOOL, L31 1EN, United Kingdom

Please check the 'Latest News' in case there's a change to the type of service. Please be aware that we are still taking a careful approach to protect each other. We are still encouraging people to follow safe control measures such as sanitising on arrival. The readings for the month can be seen in 'Latest News' on the News and Notices page under the Notices tab.

Annual Church Meeting

for 1 hour
Melling: St Thomas
Melling: St Thomas, Rock Lane Melling Liverpool, L31 1EN, United Kingdom

This will take place in church on Sunday 13th April.

Bereavement Group

Monthly. Every Third Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Andrew's Church
St Andrew's Church, Damfield Lane Maghull, L31 6DD

The group meets in St Andrew's Church Hall and all are welcome. Meetings usually take place on the third Thursday of the month but to check actual times or for further enquiries please contact the Parish Office on 0151 531 8972

Ladies Fellowship

Thursday 27 February 2025 at for 2 hours
Maghull: St Andrew
22 Damfield Lane Maghull, L316DD, United Kingdom

All welcome to come the meetings which take place in the church hall (not the parish hall) usually on the fourth Thursday of the month. This month it's our bring and buy sale to raise funds for charities including Woodlands.

Usually the fourth Thursday of the month