7.30pm at St Thomas follow the stations of the cross alongside a simple said Communion serviceMonday 14th, Tuesday, 15th Wedenesday 16th AprilMaundy Thursday 17th April 7.30pm Holy Communion and Vigil until 10pmGood Friday 18th April 11.00am Walk of witness from Our Lady's Catholic Church to St Thomas'Easter Saturday 19th April 7.30pm Vigil and renewal of baptismal vows
Monday 2nd December Advent Quiet Servcie with Holy Communion 7pmSunday 8th December Light in the Darkness Carol Service 7pmMonday 9th December Advent Quiet Service with Holy Communion 7pm Saturday 14th December and Sunday 15th December Christmas Tree event with fun for all the familyMonday 16th December Scout and Guide Carol Service 7pmThursday 19th December Advent Quiet Service with Holy Communion 7pmSunday 22nd December Nine lessons and carols 7pm Tuesday 24th Decmeber Christingle at 4pmTuesday December 24th 11pm Midnight Christmas EucharistWednesday December 25th 10.30am All age Christmas EucharistSaturday December 28th 7pm A service for Holy Innocents (we remember young adults, children and babies who have died)