Tuesday Shoppers Service - 10.30am

Every Tuesday at for 45 mins
St John the Baptist, Burscough (St John's / SJB)
School Lane Burscough Ormskirk, L40 4AE, United Kingdom

A short service of informal worship. All are welcome!

St John the Baptist, Burscough (St John's / SJB)

St John the Baptist Church, Burscough (also know as St John's or SJB) is the Parish Church of Burscough.  

For more details about our services, events and all other information, please head to our website - https://www.sjb-burscough.church.

Get in touch

St John's Church Office

St John's Church Hall
School Lane

L40 4AE
Parish Office
01704 897852

Our website

What's on

Tuesday Shoppers Service - 10.30am

Every Tuesday at for 45 mins
St John the Baptist, Burscough (St John's / SJB)
School Lane Burscough Ormskirk, L40 4AE, United Kingdom

A short service of informal worship. All are welcome!


St John the Baptist Church, Burscough takes its duty and obligation to protect all extremely seriously. We have adopted the national Church of England’s robust procedures and guidelines.

You can find out more about the national policies and procedures at www.churchofengland.org/safeguarding.

If you have any safeguarding concerns or issues on a safeguarding matter then you can find further useful contact information at www.liverpool.anglican.org/safeguarding.

St John the Baptist, Burscough (St John's / SJB) Charity No. 1128273