Your child's Christening

Baptisms are usually held at the main Sunday service (i.e. at 10.45 am). Sometimes additional baptism services or other arrangements can be made. Please call Andrew or more details on 01695 423204 / 07788 256776


The beginning of a journey
- thanking God for the gift of life
- deciding to start your child on the journey of Christian faith
- perhaps also a new beginning for you in your journey of faith

A declaration of belief
- parents and godparents declare their Christian faith
- they are supported in that declaration by the church

A statement of belonging
- through baptism the child becomes member of the church of God
- parents and godparents commit themselves to the church family
- the church commits its support to you in bring the child up as a Christian

Here are some frequently asked questions about baptism


Nothing. Christening is simply a popular name for Baptism.


No. They are quite separate roles (godparents may become guardians, but it is a separate process and decision).


Godparents must be baptized. It is not essential that they are confirmed, but the point is that, as a godparent, you promise to help the child know about the Christian faith. To do this you may want to think about your own Christian faith in more depth, and that may lead you towards confirmation. If in any doubt, come and talk it over with the Vicar.


There are four parts to the baptism service:

1. Presentation of the Child
When a child is presented for baptism, the parents and godparents – and also the whole congregation – are asked some questions. First the congregation is asked to welcome and support the child. Then the parents and godparents are asked to pray for the child; to be a Christian role model; to see caring for them spiritually as an important part of caring for them more generally; and to help them be part of the Christian family (the church).

2. Decision & Signing with the Cross
Children are baptized on the understanding that the parents intend to bring up the child to know the Christian faith. So, those who bring a child to baptism are asked to state their own Christian faith as part of the service. This part of the service uses traditional Christian symbolic language of darkness and light to represent evil and good. The sign of the cross is made on the child’s forehead - an invisible badge to show that those who are baptized are united in a special way with Jesus Christ.

3. Baptism with Water
The water in the font is blessed with a prayer that states some of the reasons why water is such a powerful symbol of new life, and what it represents in this service. The whole congregation then says the ancient Christian statement of belief, called the 'Creed'. Then the child is symbolically washed in the water as a sign of his/her new life in Christ.

4. Giving of a Candle
Light is an important Christian symbol. In the Bible Jesus is called ‘the light of the world'. The large candle in the church (the Easter candle) is a reminder of Jesus and especially of his resurrection. A smaller candle is lit from the Easter candle and given to the parents (on behalf of the child) to take away. This is to remind you of all has happened in the baptism service, including the promises you have made. The candle can be used as a baptism anniversary candle (i.e. light it and explain to your child each year as he or she grows up what it is, where it came from and why).


By baptism a child becomes part of the Christian family, but that is not the end of the story. The baptism of a child looks forward to the time when the child has grown into adult Christian. This is not a matter of forcing children to believe. Rather it is helping and encouraging them to the point where they can make an informed decision for themselves. We hope that they will decide to make for themselves the promises that you have made on their behalf - that is what Confirmation is.

But neither is it a matter of doing nothing at all. We do not expect a child to make important decisions in other areas of life without appropriate learning. For example, we would not expect a child to know what makes for a good diet without setting a good example and helping the child to learn about food. The life-long process of growth into Christian maturity, which you have begun by bringing a child to baptism is just the same.


Parents, being obviously so involved with the child's growth and development, have a direct role to play in fulfilling the promises made in baptism. This includes: helping and teaching your child to pray; teaching your child the Christian faith; encouraging Christian habits, e.g. attending church - which is always done best by personal example! One effective way in which to meet these aims is to bring your child to Junior Church (Sunday School) when he or she is old enough.

Godparents, on the other hand, may live some distance away from their godchildren and see them less frequently. Here are some suggestions for how you can still keep your baptismal promises. Distance is no barrier to the power of prayer, so remember to pray for your godchild - regular prayer is an expression of your love. Make each anniversary of the baptism a kind of extra birthday - send a greeting card and, perhaps, a present too (Christian book shops usually have a selection of appropriate cards, books, posters, cassettes and videos which could help your godchild). Try and establish a definite relationship as a godparent and not only as a relative or friend of the family. Let your godchild know that you pray for him or her. When you do visit offer to read and pray with your godchild at bedtime. If you are there on a Sunday, offer to take your godchild with you to church. Encourage your godchild to look forward first to Sunday School, and later to being confirmed and becoming a full communicant member of the Church.

If you are not sure about any of this do ask us or your own Minister for help or advice.