We aim to support and nurture the youngest members of our community from babies to toddlers, to children, to youth. Organized groups throughout the week provide a warm welcome and a friendly space to make friends, discover the Bible and explore the Christian faith.
Sundays during the 10:45 am service:
"Diddy Disciples" - for children 0-5 years old. Each week, Bible stories and action songs cover a different theme. Parents are encouraged to sit with their children during these sessions.
"Xplore" - for children 6 - 11 years old to share stories with one another, play games, sing songs, listen to Bible stories and make crafts. Throughout the calendar there are also many seasonal type events for children in this age group.
"Momentum" - for youth 11+ years old. Throughout the year our youth will also go on two weekends away and go to a summer youth festival. Follow the group on Instagram (@ccaymomentum) https://www.instagram.com/ccaymomentum/
Sunday evenings: NOTE - on pause until a new Youth Leader is appointed
"Night LYFE" - for youths 15+ years old. Meets on the 2nd Sunday every month in the Ministry Centre from 7.15 - 8.30pm. Led by young people for young people, including games and worship a talk by one of the leaders and time for prayer ministry. To read more, see footnote* below.
Monday mornings:
"Bumps and Babes" Group - for pregnant ladies and mothers with babies under 9 months of age. Meets in the Ministry Centre from 10:00 - 11.30 am, providing a chance to meet and chat over a cuppa, share stories and support one another for a small charge of £2 per family. To read more, see footnote* below.
Tuesday mornings:
"Toddler Group" - for children 0-3 years old. Meets in the Ministry Centre from 10:00 - 11.30 am. Run by volunteers, we aim to provide a safe, relaxed, friendly and inviting space for all pre-school aged children and their carers. Refreshments and plenty of toys are provided at a cost of £4 per family. To read more, see footnote* below.
Wednesday evenings:
"Acts 29" for youth 11+ years old. Meets in the Ministry Centre 7:30 - 9:00 pm each week to play games, watch videos, listen to people’s stories and have discussion groups.
Friday afternoons: Note: On pause until a new Youth Leader is appointed
“Youth 4 U” for school years 5 and 6 (9 - 11 years old) Meets in the Ministry Centre each Friday from 3:30 - 4:30 pm to play and spend time with friends, and to learn a new verse in the Bible to take into the week ahead.
* For more information about these events, go to the 'Services and Events' page. While you're there, you can also see a full view of upcoming activities by selecting the 'Calendar' view.
Safeguarding: We are committed to the safeguarding of children and young people. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officers. The Diocese of Liverpool’s safeguarding pages contain vital links and information, including contacts, which can be accessed here: