Statutory Notice: Applications made to the Consistory Court

Applications have been submitted to the Consistory Court for permission to carry out works for two key projects.

Ref: 2023-088881 The creation of a garden of rest for the interment of ashes and a place of prayer and reflection. 

Ref: 2024-096982 The installation of ten 6 kw infra-red chandeliers to heat the main body of the church and a hot air curtain over the south door. The existing gas boiler system will be retained to provide background warmth to the building fabric. 

Relevant plans and documents may be examined at the Ministry Centre. Physical notices have been posted within and outside the church. 

If you wish to object to any of the works or proposals, send a letter stating the grounds of your objection to the Diocesan Registrar at:
The Bishop of Liverpool’s Registry, 1 The Sanctuary, Westminster, London SW1P 3JT [email protected]

The easiest way to access information about the above applications is to visit

Click on the tab labelled ‘Public Notices’. On the drop down box labelled ‘sort by’ select ‘reference’ and use the numbers quoted above. 

Consultation period ends 09/01/2025.