To ensure the new Roll is adequately displayed before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Sunday, April 27, 2025, please print, complete and sign an Enrolment Form before March 23, 2025
Note: Printed copies of the Enrolment Form, as well as The Church of England’s “Notice of preparation of the New Roll” will be at the back of church starting on February 16. If you’d like to view an online version of the Notice, it can be viewed here.
The Enrolment form (which includes eligibility criteria on the reverse side) does not request your date of birth but it would be really useful if you could include the decade of your birth as it provides the church with a useful indicator of the age distribution of the congregation.
Completed forms should be handed to a warden or sides person on Sundays, or dropped off at at the office in the Ministry Centre through the week.
Following receipt of all completed forms, the names of all enrolled members will be displayed at the back of church between April 6 and 27, during which time any necessary alterations can be made. Please note that the published roll will NOT include your address to ensure your privacy.
Enrolled church members will be entitled to vote at the next Annual Parochial Church Meeting on April 27, 2025.