Preparing for Easter - Join a LYFE group!


Starting at the end of February, our LYFE groups will be looking at “The God Story”  a video course providing an overview of the entire Bible. There is a book to go with the course, which costs about 11.99. We will put a sign-up sheet at the back of church for those who would like to order a copy of the book.  

LYFE groups are a great way to grow deeper roots which is one of our key priorities as a church this year. 

There are various LYFE groups running.weekly (on different days of the week) in the Ministry Centre or on WhatsApp for those who can’t join in person. If you are able interested in joining or are able to host a LYFE group, please contact Geoff Fallows via email: [email protected].


7:30pm: Debs and John Raynor (in person and via WhatsApp)


7:30pm: Upper Room - Eddie Marshman


7:30pm Cinema room - Jonathan Lock 

7:30pm Upper Room - Arwel Roberts 


12 noon: Upper Room - Milly Casey

7:30pm Upper Room - John Critchley  

If you would like to know more, please contact Geoff Fallows