Related Churches
The Good Shepherd
We are a local church in Croxteth and Norris Green, with activities throughout the week, and worship on Sundays at 11 am.
We'd love to welcome you along. -
Liverpool Stanley: St Anne
Welcome to St Annes! We are a friendly church on the outskirts of Liverpool City centre. We have lots of families, and all ages. We are inclusive and All are welcome to join us in our worship which we like to do to the best of our ability and have fun doing it.
There is no pressure to 'act' correctly and after our service there is always tea and toast - which is a lovely way to round off the morning.
We look forward to seeing you join us!
St Cuthbert's Croxteth Park
Welcome to St Cuthbert's, Croxteth Park! We are delighted that you have arrived on this page and we hope that you will stay and worship with us. We are a broad Liberal Catholic Church and we observe the Eucharist weekly. We try our best to be inclusive and we have our children's award and working towards our disabled-friendly award. We are also affiliated with One Body and respect all people who enter our doors. As an Eco Church, we also are very conscious of environmental issues. We have lots going on in our Church and community room during the week and on a Sunday we have family Holy communion with Sunday school for those over 6 at 10:00 am and Holy Communion at 6 pm which is a quieter shorter service.
At 4 pm we hold 'Toodles@4' for those with young children under the age of 6yrs old. This is a short 40min session which is worship by nursery rhyme we also have instrument time, craft time, and prayer time too. all followed by juice and biscuits or toast. It's a great place for baptism families especially to meet and get to know one another especially as many will be attending the local school and therefore they can make friends before they join.
We also hold Fika Church (Cake church) at 5 pm where we invite people who may not have been inside a church or perhaps those who haven't been for a long time or just those looking for a new way of exploring faith. We base it on the Swedish 'Fika' which is coming together to talk through issues of the day over cake and coffee. We have invited Jesus to come too.
We hope by offering a flavour of different services and worship that most people can find their vibe here at St Cuthbert's.
PLEASE N.B - We do have our own website which will have more information and is regularly monitored So please do visit
for more details Church community | Stcuthbertscroxtethpark | England
Safeguarding at St Cuthbert's
St Cuthbert's, Croxteth Park takes its duty and obligation to protect all extremely seriously. We have adopted the national Church of England's robust procedures and guidelines. You can find out more about the national policies and procedures at
The parish of Croxteth Park: St Cuthbert is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people, and adults. We follow the House of Bishop's guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer(s), PSOs. The Diocese of Liverpool’s safeguarding pages contains vital links and information including contacts for the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (DSA) who advise our PSOs. If you are concerned that a child or adult has been harmed or may be at risk of harm please contact the DSA. If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact the police and your local authority Children or Adults Services."
If you have any safeguarding concerns or issues on a safeguarding matter then you can find useful contact information at
You can also click on the "Safeguarding" link which appears at the foot of every page
Christ Church Norris Green
Our current pattern of worship includes.....
1st Sunday of Month - WHOLE CHURCH WORSHIP an informal service of praise for all ages. Usually lasts around 50 minutes.
2nd Sunday of Month - Holy Communion with Sunday Club
3rd Sunday of Month - Morning Worship with Sunday Club
4th Sunday of Month - Holy Communion (No Sunday Club) followed by Living Room Church - all age gathering, which starts with drinks (from 1145am) with the 1030am congregation followed by a BYO picnic lunch
To find out what's happening at Christ Church go to our website -
We try to offer a relaxed, friendly and happy atmosphere. We are a local and growing church and all are made welcome. The congregation is genuinely all age, our youngest regular worshipper is a tiny baby and our oldest into their 90s - with a breadth in between.
Our Sunday gatherings, whether they be gathered in the Cabin or streamed to You Tube are designed to help all worship God, engage with His word and grow in our relationship with Him, ready to go out into the world in love and service.
Our shared faith is central to our life together, it is our reason for being and it is our motivation for all that we seek to be and do.
We work very closely in partnership with Triple C - serving across a variety of projects including work with children and families, older people, volunteers and supporting local people through Debt Advice and Places of Welcome Community Café.
Liverpool: St Christopher, Norris Green
'A friendly congregation in a Grade 2* heritage building, relaxed and conversational catholic in worship tradition, increasingly engaged with community transformation through the projects such as the Chatty Church Cafe, Norris Green Fingers and the youth discos.' This was how St Christopher's described itself in the first decade (or so) of the 21st century, however over the last ten years, this life and outreach has been reducing.
St Christopher's have had a declining congregation for many years, with a small and faithful group of local people continuing the work of mission and ministry in Norris Green. The impact of the Pandemic was to see further decline in the number of people engaged in the life of St Christopher's.
On Ash Wednesday 2022, the heating system failed completely and was subsequently condemned. The congregation did not have the resources to renew the heating, but nor did the feel it would be an appropriate use of their resources. There were many other issues with the building, that were beyond the capacity of the congregation to repair. St Christopher's was built in the 1930s with much of the funding raised by Children from the Liverpool Diocese. This is why the Church is often know as the "Children's Church" and the Architect, Bernard Miller, incorporated sculptures of Children into the art deco design. Faced with a cold winter ahead and a small congregation, in the Autumn of 2022, the congregation started to meet with The Good Shepherd congregation in their buildings on Lower House Lane, hoping this would enable them to be stronger together in mission, ministry and worship.
As part of the Diocesan strategy, Fit for Mission the Anglican Churches of Norris Green and Croxteth had committed to working together and in the Autumn of 2022, a team from the deanery, supported by those with building expertise, surveyed all of the buildings of the churches committed to being part of Fit for Mission. In this 'Right Buildings Process', St Christopher's was identified as a building that was not fit for mission and would not easily be made so, the process proposed closure and with sadness and regret, the deanery supported this proposal and since then we have been moving forward with the appropriate consultations to consider this.
St Christopher's is one of a group of churches working together towards becoming a new large single parish of Christ our Hope Liverpool. Currently, Revd Canon Helen Edwards, the team rector designate for the new parish, is also priest in charge of St Christopher's Norris Green.
St David
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