Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Paul's
Formosa Drive Fazakerley, L10 7LB, United Kingdom

In this service we share Communion together (there is an option to have a blessing for those who don't want to receive Communion). We also hear from the Bible and listen to (sing) to songs. A beautiful way to engage and grow in faith together as we receive from God and go out blessed to live for Him. All welcome.

2nd and 4th Sundays of the Month

St Paul's

We are a warm, welcoming church within the Fazakerley Team of churches. Our goal is to serve our local community and to connect people to God and to each other - and to discover the life-changing relationship with God found in Jesus Christ.  

Get in touch

Andy Brown

St Paul's House, Formosa Drive

L10 7LB
Team Rector
0151 521 3344
Team Vicar
0151 525 5229
What's on


Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Paul's
Formosa Drive Fazakerley, L10 7LB, United Kingdom

In this service we share Communion together (there is an option to have a blessing for those who don't want to receive Communion). We also hear from the Bible and listen to (sing) to songs. A beautiful way to engage and grow in faith together as we receive from God and go out blessed to live for Him. All welcome.

2nd and 4th Sundays of the Month